Page 437 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 437

IPS175 Jillian C. et al.

                         The role of combining national official statistics
                         with global monitoring to close the data gaps in
                                     the environmental SDGs
             Jillian Campbell , Jay Neuner , Dilek Fraisl , Linda See , Steffen Fritz , Jessica
                                        Espey , Angela Kim
                                      1 UN Environment Programme
                            2 Sustainable Development Solutions Network TReNDS
                          3 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

            The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have elevated the profile of the
            environmental  dimension  of  development  and  how  we  monitor  this
            dimension. However, they also present a challenge to statistical systems in
            terms of how methodologies and data collection is developed, implemented
            and reported. For the environmental dimension of the SDGs, there is too little
            data to formally assess the status of 68% of the environment-related indicators
            (UN Environment, 2019a).
            Many environment-related indicators were not historically part of the purview
            of  national  statistical  systems  and  did  not  have  a  methodology  or  data
            collection  system  in  place  prior  to  the  adoption  of  the  SDG  indicator
            framework. In the original classification of the SDG indicators in 2016, 50% of
            the environment-related SDG indicators did not have a methodology (i.e. Tier
            III)  (UN,  n.d.).  As  of  May  2019,  this  has  dropped  to  28%;  however,
            socioeconomic indicators in the SDGs are far more developed with only 7% of
            non-environmental indicators not having a methodology (UN, n.d.).
            Methodologies  and  mechanisms  to  collect  country-level  data  are  being
            developed by international agencies. However, many countries currently do
            not  have  national  systems  in  place  for  monitoring  these  environmental
            indicators and thus there is a risk that much of the environmental dimension
            of development cannot be captured by using reporting mechanisms which
            only  include  national  official  statistics.  For  many  of  these  indicators,  UN
            Environment is exploring new data sources, such as data from citizen science
            and  global  modelling  to  fill  data  gaps.  Expanding  globally-estimated  or
            modelled data to cover environment-related SDG indicators could build the
            foundation for a digital ecosystem for the planet, which would provide a basis
            for developing integrated analysis and insights.

            Sustainable Development Goals, indicators, environment, tier 3, modelling

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