Page 440 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 440

IPS175 Jillian C. et al.
                  3.  Result
                      The  IAEG-SDGs  was  established  in  2015  to  develop  the  SDG  indicator
                  framework (UN, 2015b). In order to do so, the IAEG-SDGs conducted an open
                  consultation involving a wide range of stakeholders from across government,
                  civil society, academia and regional and international organizations (UN, n.d.).
                  From a conceptual perspective, the SDG indicators were developed in order to
                  capture an ideal, ambitious monitoring framework for development, including
                  environmental  state,  trends  and  impacts.  However,  from  a  practical
                  perspective,  the  SDG  indicator  framework  took  into  account  an  interest  in
                  increasing synergies with existing processes (e.g. the Millennium Development
                  Goals, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, etc.) in order to reduce
                  the reporting burden for countries, increase feasibility and capitalize on prior
                  experiences of national statistical offices (UNSC, 2016). Despite the interest in
                  using existing indicators, when the original tier classification was developed in
                  2016, 50% of environment-related SDG indicators were classified as Tier III as
                  compared  to  28%  of  the  remaining  indicators.  There  has  been  significant
                  progress to develop methodologies and reporting mechanisms for the SDGs
                  and as of May 2019, 26% of the environment-related SDG indicators are Tier
                  III compared to 7% of the other indicators (Table 2).

                                   Table 2. SDG indicators by Tier, 2016 and 2019
                                             Percentage of     Percentage of    Percentage of
                                                Tier I            Tier II          Tier III
                                             2016   2019       2016    2019      2016   2019
                   SDGs                       26%    23%        24%    37%       51%    26%
                   All other SDG indicators   53%    51%        19%    42%       28%     7%

                      Country level reporting depends on various factors like the capacity of
                  national  statistical  offices,  data  availability  and  political  interest.  Most
                  indicators rely directly on national capacity and reporting of national data.
                  However, a few use international estimates and models for reporting and gaps
                  filling such as SDG 8.4.2 on material flows and SDG 6.6.1 on water-related
                  ecosystems. Holistic measurement of the environment is complicated by a lack
                  of existing globally-agreed methodologies related to specific SDG targets and
                  the  fact  that  many  statistical  offices  do  not  have  experience  in  compiling
                  environment statistics or environmental economic accounts (UN, 2015c) thus
                  global modelling provides an opportunity to fill data gaps. Out of the 244
                  indicators in the SDG framework, less that 5% (11 indicators) are related to
                  environmental state and trends (Figure 1).

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