Page 441 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 441

IPS175 Jillian C. et al.
                  Figure 1: Environmental Indicators (a) Tier and (b) Data Availability

            3a. Country level data availability
                 Analyzing country-level data availability can help identify gaps in national
            capacity or highlight areas where political interest may be lacking. Overall,
            there is about a 40% country-level data coverage for the 93 environment-
            related indicators (including Tier III indicators) (Figure 2). While the biggest
            differences in country-level data availability are based on the indicator types,
            there are also some differences in reporting level based on country categories.
            OECD  countries  have  higher  levels  of  data  availability  than  non-OECD
            countries  for  all  indicator  categories  except  for  “Mechanisms,  enabling
            environment and policy” indicators. On the other hand, SIDS have the lowest
            levels of country-level data reporting across all indicators. The biggest gap
            being  for  indicators  in  the  “Behavior  and  Sustainable  Consumption  and
            Production” category where country-level reporting in SIDS countries (41%) is
            4% lower than the global average (45%) and 7% lower than OECD countries
            (48%) (Figure 2). SIDS small size, remoteness, narrow resource and exposure
            to global environmental change may be factor to their low levels of country-
            level reporting.

             Figure 2: Country Level Data Availability by Indicator Category and Country

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