Page 480 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 480

IPS177 Jose-Maria S. G.
                  Central bank access to trade repository data
                  In per cent                                                               Graph 2
                   A.  Trade repositories based in the jurisdiction

                   Does your central bank have access to non–public    What types of arrangement govern
                   derivatives data reported to TRs/TR-like     your access to non-public derivatives
                   entities (other than the central bank)?   1  data collected by TRs/TR-like entities?

                    B.  Trade repositories based outside the

                    Does your central bank have access to non–public   What types of arrangement govern your
                     derivatives data (involving a domestic counterparty),    access to non-public derivatives data
                    when they are reported to TRs/TR-like entities?    (involving a domestic counterparty)
                                                                 collected by TRs/ TR-like entities?

                  1  The sum of the responses can exceed 100%, as several answers are possible.   Indirect access
                  via  another  authority  (ie  by  request  of  the  primary  authority  with  oversight  of  TRs/TR-like
                  entities)   Direct access through domestic legislation (since domestic counterparties can report
                  derivatives transactions to TRs/TR-like entities based outside my jurisdiction); Indirect access via
                  another  authority  (ie  by  request  of  the  primary  authority  with  oversight  of  the  TRs/TR-like
                  Source: IFC survey on trade repositories, 2018.

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