Page 482 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 482

IPS177 Jose-Maria S. G.
                  What access and type of non-public derivatives data is shared with external
                  users and how are these data disseminated to the general public?

                   The sum of the responses can exceed 100%, as several answers are possible.
                   1  Authorities include supervisory and regulatory authorities.   Aggregated statistics include
                   notional  amounts,  number  of  transactions  etc  (see  Box  3);  research  refers  to
                   analyses/research conducted using derivatives data.
                   Source: IFC survey on trade repositories, 2018.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Trade repositories are collecting a large amount of derivative transactions
                  data. Central banks are facing challenges to access the data, and to share it
                  with  other  stakeholders.  Data  access  is  particularly  limited  when  it  is  held
                  outside a central banks’ jurisdiction. Sharing data to external users is also rare.
                  In both instances, the main constraints are on access and dissemination of
                  highly granular data. More work is needed to unlock data access and sharing,
                  since granular data are required to assess financial stability risks.

                  1.  Irving Fisher Committee (2018), “Central banks and trade repositories
                      derivatives data”, IFC Report
                  2.  Inter-Agency-Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG)  (2015):
                      Update on the Data Gaps Initiative and the Outcome of the Workshop
                      on Data Sharing, March.

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