Page 75 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 75

IPS57 Gerardo L. et al.
             •  Ensuring Continuous collection of tweets in parallel, having an automated
                 contingency plan for when failures occur.
             •  Adapting  the  automatic  classification  to  the  institutional  platform  and
                 make every night the automatic interpretation of the emotional charge
                 (positive or negative) of the tweets collected in the day.
             •  Storing the tweets labelled daily according to their emotional load in a
                 NoSql database, process and add the tweets leaving the results available
                 for consultation.
             •  Developing  a  new  visualization  that  would  allow  the  results  to  be
                 represented yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly or daily, and even per hour,
                 both at national and state level.
             •  Distinguishing  in  each  federative  entity  among  the  individuals  that
                 habitually  tweet  from  it  (local)  and  those  that  habitually  tweet  from
                 another federal entity (visitors).
             •  Achieving a WEB application that is available on any platform, including
                 mobile phones.
             •  Incorporating a filter component for dates, allowing the user to select a
                 specific day range.
             •  Incorporating  functionality  to  share  visualizations  on  various  social
                 networks, as well as to download data.
             •  Incorporating  an  automatic  tour  that  guides  the  user  in  the  different
                 functionalities of the system.
             •  Reporting the status of tweets collection over time.
             •  Presenting a menu to select series by federal entity, as well as their maps,
                 which are updated and ordered automatically on a daily basis.
             •  Incorporating an updated methodological document.
             •  Offering a cloud of words with the #Hashtags most used on that day,
                 redirecting  directly  to  the  Twitter  site  to  see  the  detail  of  a  particular
                 #Hashtag,  as  well  as  links  to  external  news  sites,  which  are  not  the
                 responsibility of INEGI, but could help to contextualize the positivity or
                 negativity of the tweeters.
             •  Including  a  link  to  "Pioanálisis"  which  is  the  application  in  which  new
                 tweets  are  manually  classified.    The  idea  of  this  is  allowing  users  to
                 volunteer for helping to classify tweets.

            3.  Result
                The  Mood  of  the  Tweeterers  in  Mexico  reports  a  positivity  ratio  from
            January  2016  with  daily  automatic  updating,  which  can  be  viewed  for  the
            country as a whole and for each of its federal entities with annual frequency,
            quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily and even by the  hour.  In this sense, it is the
            exercise of generating statistical information with the highest frequency that

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