Page 76 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 76

IPS57 Gerardo L. et al.
                  INEGI has generated so far.  Also, due to its characteristics, the Mood of the
                  Tweeterers in Mexico is a unique tool worldwide.
                      The  Mood  of  the  Tweeterers  is  part  of  an  effort  to  measure  welfare
                  "beyond GDP" and in particular is linked to the agenda for measuring  the
                  subjective wellbeing, which seeks to extract from individuals information on
                  how they are doing in life, although in this case it is not about self-reported
                  wellbeing, as happens with traditional survey generated statistics.  Instead, in
                  this case we are talking about a form of wellbeing that is inferred from the
                  underlying emotional charge present in the messages published on Twitter.
                  We are taking advantage from the fact that people expressing themselves
                  when using Twitter are letting us to know much more than the mere message:
                  they are allowing us to glimpse into their hearts and minds.  In this way, the
                  evolution of the quotient of positivity allows to visualize how the positive and
                  negative moods diffuse or become generalized to a greater or lesser extent
                  among the whole twitting population and how this greater or lesser diffusion
                  changes from one period to another and from a federative entity (state) to
                  another.   This allows us to take a look at aspects of national reality that acquire
                  greater  relevance  to  the  extent  that  the  use  of  digital  social  networks  is
                  extended over the Internet.
                      With  a  time  series  beginning  in  2016,  the  system  shows  a  behavior
                  consistent with what should be expected for a number of clearly identified
                  events, such as the results of the US Presidential Elections on November 11,
                  2016 (negative), the increase in national petrol prices at the beginning of 2017
                  (negative) and the two large earthquakes of September 2017 (both negative),
                  the triumph in Soccer of Mexico over Germany in June 2017 (positive) and the
                  award of "The Form of Water" with the Oscar for the best film of 2018.  More
                  relevant,  the  Mood  of  the  Tweeterers  in  Mexico  showed  its  capability  to
                  automatically  capture  the  emotional  impact  of  relevant  changes  in  the
                  environment with the earthquakes of 8 and 19 September 2017.  The first
                  quake had its epicentre in the southern part of the country, while the epicentre
                  of the second one was very close to Mexico City.  Both affected Mexico City,
                  but the send one hit harder over the capital of the country.  In both cases the
                  positivity  ratio  showed  sharp  declines,  expressing  the  negative  emotional
                  impact of the disasters.  The following image shows some of the main dates
                  that can be identified at the national level with the help of the system of “The
                  Mood of Tweeterers in Mexico”:

                                                                     65 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81