Page 80 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 80

IPS61 Rituparna S. et al.
                  their  functional  principal  component  scores,  which  are  available  for
                  subsequent  statistical  analysis.  This  often  leads  to  substantial  dimension
                      Most of the development in FDA has been with independent and identical
                  replications of function valued data. This permits the use of information from
                  multiple  curves  to  identify  patterns.  However,  in  certain  situations,  it  is
                  unrealistic to assume that the functions are independent. We do need some
                  process structure. One idea to follow up here is to work with the replication
                  principle implicit in stationary time series, where the values of the process are
                  functions.  This  problem  of  dependent  functional  observations  is  gaining
                  popularity  only  recently.  Besse  et  al.  (2000)  develop  an  AR(1)  model  for
                  forecasting climatic variations. Kargin and Onatski (2008) use an AR(1) model
                  for forecasting Eurodollar futures. H¨ormann and Kokoszka (2010) study weakly
                  dependent functional processes, but they ignore the issue of smoothing. This
                  is common to a lot of work following Bosq (2012), eg. Bosq (2014) and Aue et
                  al.  (2015),  where  the  theory  is  developed  assuming  that  the  functions  are
                  observed continuously. In practice, however, we only observe the functions at
                  a dense but discrete subset of the support, often with measurement error. Then
                  we need to interpolate smoothly to infer about the whole function. This raises
                  new questions about the behavior of the estimators. We develop the theory,
                  where the functions follow a stationary ARMA(p; q) model and are observed
                  discretely with noise. We start with kernel smoothing, followed by dimension
                  reduction  using  FPCA.  Based  on  the  time  series  of  the  first  few  significant
                  principal components, we fit a VAR or VARMA model. We provide techniques
                  for estimation of the model parameters and selection of the optimal model.
                      The methods developed are applied to the modeling and forecast of yield
                  curves. Hays et al. (2012) have previously used FDA for yield curve modeling.
                  The method in Hays et al. (2012) is factor analysis with penalized likelihood for
                  estimation, assuming an AR(p) model for the factors. In this paper the method
                  is  PCA  with  state  space  modeling  for  time  series,  assuming  VARMA(p,q)
                  evolution of the components.

                  2.  Methodology
                     Consider a sample  of  smooth random trajectories ( ()) ∈
                     for  = 1, …,  generated from a process . Throughout we assume that 
                  is an element of the Hilbert space ℌ := L  (Ƭ) endowed with the inner product
                  〈, 〉 ℌ = ∫Ƭ()() and the norm ‖‖ = √〈, 〉  < ∞ a.s.. The observe
                  measurement are support point   on the domain Ƭ = [ ,  ] with additive
                  white noise error   which is independent of the underlying process. The
                  measurements are for   =  1, . . . ,  and   =  1, . . . , :
                            ( ) =  ( ) +  with  ( ) =  0, ( ) =                  (1)
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