Page 236 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 236

IPS 224 Delina I.
                                  Figure 1: Professional Independence, USS 2017-2019

                                            Professional Independence
                                    4                                    3.96
                                            3.51         3.61
                                           2017          2018         2019

                      Good  governance  helps  defining  priorities  in  terms  of  sustainability  to
                  determine  policies,  strategies  and  action  plans  necessary  to  achieve  the
                  expected outcomes. Priorities related to official statistics are defined also by
                  the Albania EU accession process. INSTAT, along with statistical agencies, has
                  the duty to produce statistics in a transparent, impartial and timely manner,
                  helping  users  to  judge  the  performance  of  the  transformation  processes
                  towards EU integration (Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA)). As part of
                  the fulfilment of the SAA, and the implementation of the recommendations of
                  the EU for Albania alignment with the acquits under Chapter 18, "Statistics",
                  INSTAT  tries  to  create  a  culture  of  statistical  development  among  NSS,
                  monitoring efforts to carry out the obligations of the SAA by the statistical
                  agencies. SMIS+ evaluation over 2017 – 2018, related to the NSS compliance
                  with the EU acquis and CoP, is presented in figure 2.
                                        Figure 2: SMIS+ evaluation 2017-2018

                                          26.2 %               Equal
                                          18.5 %    55.4 %      Not relevant/stated

                      On a four range level of compliance, figure 2 is showing the percentages
                  of improvement made from 2017 to 2018 by NSS.Another indicator presenting
                  the progress done towards reaching the obligation of SAA is the data points
                  transmitted from NSS and published by Eurostat. Figure 3 is presenting the
                  Eurostat evaluation in percentage point.

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