Page 238 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 238

IPS 224 Delina I.
                  statistics producers. In this regards a Statistical Training Centre is created at
                  INSTAT  to  increase  the  statistical  capacities  of  statisticians  and  statistical
                  literacy  among  users  and  different  stakeholders,  as  well  as  to  provide  the
                  needed infrastructure for scientific research activities. In this regards, during
                  2018 INSTAT has organised trainings on the legal and quality management
                  framework for statistical production, as well as basic knowledge in statistical
                  production processes.  Over the last three years, progress has been shown in
                  the internal governance factors, based on the SSS findings, figure 4.

                                             Figure 4: SSS 2017-2019
                             75       71.2 71.2      72.4 72.3     73.4      70.6 70.8     71.6

                             70    66
                             65                                                 2017
                             60                                                 2018
                             55                                                 2019
                                Internal Governance   Internal   HR Management

                      Initiatives to improve internal governance model and communication have
                  been  taken  from  INSTAT.  In  order  to  have  a  more  sustainable  statistical
                  institution, independent by political interferences and outside factors, the law
                  has clear provisions on the duties of the Director General and Steering Body.
                  The Steering Body is the governing body of INSTAT, composed by the mid
                  and high level management of INSTAT, chaired by the Director General. Its
                  responsibility is to define INSTAT development strategy and propose budget
                  implementation and revenues distribution. The results of SSS are analysed and
                  action plans to improve the level of satisfaction are prepared and monitored.
                  One  of  the  actions  taken  to  improve  the  satisfaction  was  the  leadership
                  program.  This  program  goal  was  to  improve  internal  communication  and
                  involve staff in the planning and decision-making process.
                      The new legal framework has increased also the autonomy in managing
                  financial  resources.  INSTAT  can  provide  statistical  services  to  third  parties,
                  performing  activities  that  are  outside  the  scope  of  OSP.  The  revenues
                  generated from the provided services can be managed to improve statistical
                  production infrastructure, increase the number of statistics produced based
                  on  user’s  needs,  increase  staff  capacities  for  NSS  and  conduct  scientific
                  research,  studies  or  analysis.    In  2017,  one  important  action,  towards
                  improvement of the staff satisfaction, was the increase of the salary level for
                  all INSTAT staff.

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