Page 239 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 239

IPS 224 Delina I.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                In this paper external and internal factors impacting the governance model
            have been evaluated towards improving the quality in the NSS. The factors
            taken into consideration, presents direct impact into the quality of statistical
            production. The new Law in Official statistics and the new governance of the
            institution  have  improved  dimensions  of  quality,  such  as  Professional
            independence, Coordination and cooperation, Mandate for Data Collection
            and Access to Data, Adequacy of human and financial Resources.
                To  achieve  the  required  quality,  the  NSS  should  build  a  model  that
            empowers law, decision making, human resources, communication and the
            satisfaction  of  users  and  staff.  Using  the  model suggested  in  this  paper  is
            concluded that if there is any improvement in one of the above factors, the
            target quality can be improved.
                 Qualitative  and  reliable  statistics  are  very  important  in  the  decision-
            making process at national and local level as well as towards the process of
            European integration. The enhancement of collaboration and strengthening
            of NSS will bring direct impact on the production of SDG indicators.
                 To continue the work of strengthening the NSS, INSTAT should build a
            developing strategy to support INSTAT and the other statistical agencies in
            defining  strategic  objectives  for  the  development  of  official  statistics  and
            synergies  among  public  bodies  involved  in  statistical  production  or
            administrating data. In defining this strategy, the results of this paper need to
            be taken into consideration for development and establishing coordination
            mechanisms with data users and producers.

            1.  European Commission (2005), “Communication from the Commission to
                 the  European  Parliament  and  to  the  Council  on  the  independence,
                 integrity  and  accountability  of  the  national  and  Community  statistical
                 authorities,  Recommendation  on  the  independence,  integrity  and
                 accountability  of  the  national  and  Community  statistical  authorities”,
                 (COM (2005) 217).
            2.  Business Process Management 2nd edition by Jeston, John, Nelis, Johan
            3.  Law no. 9180, dated 05.02.2004 "official statistics”,
            4.  Development Strategy of INSTAT 2017 – 2030
            5.  Law No.17/2018 on Official Statistics

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