Page 237 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 237

IPS 224 Delina I.

                           Figure 3 :     Eurostat evaluation on data points

                             60.00 %    56.00 %
                                                       36.04 %
                             40.00 %
                             20.00 %

                              0.00 %

                                       2017-2018     2018-2019

                 In  the  work  towards  reaching  INSTAT  strategic  Objective:  “Use  of
            appropriate  data  sources  and  instruments  to  improve  the  production  and
            quality of indicators and statistical services” , over the last years more data has
            been  transmitted  to  and  published  by  Eurostat.  To  increase  the  usage  of
            administrative data for statistical production, INSTAT has been working in the
            last years to increase the number of memorandums of understanding (MoUs)
            with administrative data owners as well as research community. The MoUs
            include not only the cooperation between the parties but also specify the data
            to be transmitted, frequency and technical provisions.  In addition, for the
            MoUs to be efficient, technical working groups have been established with the
            main  objective  to  advice  and  monitor  the  performance  of  the  activities
            specified in the agreements. In 2017 – 2019, INSTAT has signed 25 different
            MoUs, with administrative data owners and universities; 20 of them regarding
            the administrative data providers and 5 with public and private universities in
            Albania  and abroad.  Collaboration  with  the academic  world  has  also  been
            identified as a priority element, because this interest group helps to improve
            production standards and use of official statistics in the field of research.
                 To  ensure  an  appropriate  planning,  follow  up  and  controlling,  clear
            mechanisms  need  to  be  developed  supporting  the  production  and
            dissemination of high quality statistics. These mechanisms need to take into
            account  human  resources  management,  appropriate  budget  management,
            internal  governance  model  and  communication,  as  well  as  effective  and
            efficient planning processes.
                 Transforming  INSTAT  in  a  learning  organisation,  towards  building  in
            house  management  skills,  that  enforce  teams  in  reaching  goals,  is  the
            institution’s focus in the last years. Knowledge management is part of INSTAT’s
            training strategy, which is focused in key priorities like quality, administrative
            data usage for statistical production as well as training on statistical literacy.
            One of the pillars of this strategy is the organisation of trainings in a unified
            system,  assuring  an  adequate  level  of  statistical  knowledge  among  official

              Development Strategy of INSTAT 2017 – 2030
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