Page 264 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 264

IPS236 Ksenija D. et al.
                  also digital, media and financial literacies, truly needed for better adoption
                  of Digital Society benefits in modern globalized World per se, as well.
                      In the future desk research, the limitations of this study may be overcome
                  if more variables, e.g. gender and age groups, as well as different educational
                  levels, should be analysed for better explanation of digital society related
                  indicators,  additionally.  Further,  the  impact  of  the  NSA’s  activities  in  the
                  European  countries  may  be  analysed  and  measured,  by  analysing  the
                  existence  and  the  efficiency  of  their  attempts  to  contribute  to  the
                  improvement of statistical and related digital literacy, through promotion of
                  educational  programs,  which  should  nowadays  be  more  often  visible  or
                  offered at the NSA websites. Recently, since the beginning of 2019, FENStatS
                  (2019)  has  been  announcing  (parallel  to  the  announcing  the  courses
                  organized by European Courses on Advanced Statistics, ECAS), the upcoming
                  NSAs’ Statistical and Data Science conferences more often, which is based
                  on the improved overall digital skills adoption. This activity is encouraging
                  and supportive to the NSAs’ acting goals and efforts in the same direction to
                  reach better informed, “digital based” statistical literacy improved, for better
                  citizenship and society.
                      Here  recognized  clusters  of  countries,  with  significantly  different
                  development  levels  and  percentages  of  individuals  for  Y2017IntOrderGoods,  and
                  X3_DigitalSkill,  which  have  been  taken  in  this  research  as  the  symbols  for
                  digitalisation and globalisation, have also more or less active communication
                  habits of their NSAs. Because of the research time constrains, their activity and
                  communication style were not explored with full potential for this paper, but
                  generally speaking, each NSA's activity alone and towards the FENStatS could
                  be in many countries intensified through regular standardized communication
                  procedure  and  praxis,  being  regularly  current  (e.g.  on  quarterly  or  similar
                  basis),  efficient  and  formalized.  Proposal  for  a  common  society,  such  as
                  FENStatS, is directed to an idea of intensifying communication between NSAs
                  by using the existing FENStatS’ web site, based on standardized information
                  collection  and  current  information  refreshment,  which  would  enable
                  information  announcement,  flow  and  exchange.  Since  such  an  approach
                  should be simple, a short standardized format could be suggested for use.
                  Current  news  of  interest  might  include  the  categories:  Statistical  and Data
                  Science  education  and  training  programs;  including  statistical  and  digital
                  knowledge and literacy improvement possibilities; Conferences organised by
                  NSAs Call for Papers announcements; and Other news. This would improve
                  networking  among  the  CSAs’  members  and  the  overall  importance  of  the
                  FENStatS' activity, based on practical use of available ICT with an increasing
                  potential for improvements in literacy and knowledge regarding Statistics and
                  Data Science in the World of digitalisation and globalisation.

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