Page 276 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 276

IPS243 Arbab A. K

                                 Strategic Planning for Agriculture and Rural
                              Statistics (SPARS) and its impact at country level
                                    Arbab Asfandiyar Khan , Hem Raj Regmi
                              1  United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy
                            2  CBS Nepal and International Consultant at FAO, Kathmandu, Nepal

                  Evidence based planning, monitoring and decision making are the key for the
                  success of national development process. It is more evident in those countries
                  where majority of the population are engaged in agriculture and live in rural
                  areas.  Considering  the  low  profile  of  the  agriculture  statistics  in  many
                  developing countries of Africa, Asia and Americas; UNFAO in collaboration
                  with  UNSD,  UNSIAP,  ADB,  AfDB  and  many  other  development  partners
                  implemented the project named Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and
                  Rural Statistics (GSARS) in more than 70 countries of the world and about 19
                  countries in Asia Pacific region.
                  One of the basic but most important outcome of the Global Strategy project
                  is the Strategic  Plans for Agricultural and Rural Statistics (SPARS),  which is
                  based on the In depth country assessments (IdCA) of the project implementing
                  countries and focuses on the immediate to long term activities for the proper
                  development  of  agriculture  statistical  systems.  SPARS  include  agriculture
                  statistical system in broader sense (i.e. crop, livestock, fisheries and forestry
                  sectors)  of the agriculture statistics and identifies the vision, mission, goal,
                  objectives  and  major  prioritized  and  actionable  activities  to  overhaul  the
                  system and better coordinate it across the National Statistical System. It also
                  focuses on the financial strategy with proper monitoring and evaluation plan
                  for its implementation.
                  Some significant impact has been observed during the implementation phase
                  of  the  GSARS  in  the  Asia  Pacific  region.  Few  examples  include  the
                  establishment  of  Ministry  of  Statistics  in  Pakistan,  establishment  and
                  expansion  of  Agriculture  statistics  division  at  ministry  of  agriculture  and
                  forestry in Bhutan, joint (ministry and NSO) crop production estimation system
                  established in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indonesia amongst others. This paper
                  illustrates the major impacts achieved by the SPARS implementing countries
                  based  on  the  country  reports  and  communication  material  i.e.  newsletters
                  published by GSARS project..

                  Agricultural statistics; Statistical Plan; Agricultural Statistics strategy

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