Page 280 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 280

IPS243 Arbab A. K
                        Cost of Production of Milk and meat in Mongolia
                   5.  Master Sampling Fram e
                       Master Sampling Frame provides the basis for all data collections through
                   sample surveys and censuses, by allowing for selection of samples for several
                   different  surveys  or  different  rounds  of  the  same  survey,  as  opposed  to
                   building an ad-hoc sampling frame for each survey.
                      Thanks to the design of SPARS, Bangladesh, Maldives and Timor-Leste
                   have already developed their MSF and others countries like Sri Lanka and
                   Nepal are in the process of development.
                   6.  Food Balance Sheet
                       Food Balance Sheets present a comprehensive picture of the patterns of
                   a country's food supply during a specified reference period. The food balance
                   sheet  shows  for  each  food  item  the  sources  of supply  and  its  utilization.
                   Trends in the overall national food supply can be identified through regular
                   tabulation of annual food balance sheets. These tabulations can also identify
                   changes that may have taken place in the types of food consumed, i.e. diet
                   patterns, and reveal the extent to which the food supply of the country as a
                   whole is adequate in relation to nutritional requirements.  By combining food
                   and agricultural data in a country, a food balance sheet can provide a detailed
                   examination and appraisal of its food and agricultural situation. Following 12
                   countries have drafted/finalized their Food Balance Sheets for one to five
                        Bhutan,  Cambodia,  China,  Indonesia,  Lao  PDR,  Maldives,  Mongolia,
                         Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal and Viet Nam
                   7.  Crop Production Estimation
                       Among  the  Minimum  Set  of  Core  Data  recommended  by  SPARS,
                   production of data on various crops is the priority activity for many countries
                   particularly those that are dependent on agriculture for the employment and
                   contribution to their economic value added.
                   Ongoing activities on crop production estimation in 3 countries
                        Bhutan (rice yield estimation),
                        Fiji,
                        Myanmar (rice yield estimation) and
                     3  other  countries  have  already  completed  the  implementation  of  crop
                     estimation related surveys.
                           Bangladesh (Crop area estimation and yield forecasting [AMIS])
                        Indonesia (estimation of rice production [Statistics Indonesia])
                        Sri Lanka (estimation of rice production and highland crops)

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