Page 278 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 278

IPS243 Arbab A. K
                  2.  Strategic Planning for Agriculture and Rural Statistics (SPARS)
                      SPARS is a Long Term Strategy to improve Agriculture and Rural Statistics
                  (ARS) at the national level which derives its basis from National Strategy for
                  the Development of Statistics (NSDS). This is the building block of NSDS and
                  can  be  linked  to  development  Planning  process  of  the  country  with  the
                  following objectives
                        Understanding the impact of agriculture policy on statistical priorities
                        Identifying  data  needs,  gaps,  deficiencies,  duplications  and
                        Defining  future  short-  and  long-term  statistical  programs  and
                  SPARS design  stages: The SPARS  design process includes following three
                      1.  Launching/Preparing  Phase:  which  includes  the  Understanding,
                         acknowledging,  committing,  Building  constituency,  Integrating  the
                         SPARS in the NSDS and Roadmap
                      2.  Assessment Phase: Detail assessment of the key sectors of Agriculture
                         and Rural Statistics is conducted and IdCA report is prepared during
                         this phase.
                      3.  Planning Phase: This phase includes the development of Vision and
                         Mission, Strategic Goals and Outputs and Action Plan with financial
                         and Monitoring frameworks.
                  Priority areas identified as a result of the SPARS process:
                         The major technical areas covered in SPARS and their status during
                  implementation of the project are highlighted below.
                   1.  Institutional Development and coordination mechanism
                      One of the most important objective of the SPARS was either to establish
                  an institutional setup, where it was non-existent or develop the capacity of the
                  institutions  if  they  already  existed.  Following  are  the  major  milestones
                  achieved on this front during the SPARS implementation.
                        Active  high  level  steering  committees  (led  by  secretary  or  director
                         general), established in almost all project implementing countries. The
                         committees has as representatives the major producers and users of
                         agriculture statistics at the country level.
                        Functional Technical Working groups established in almost all project
                         implementing  countries  which  includes  the  members  of  major
                         producers  of  agriculture  statistics  including  Federal  and  Provincial
                         Government i.e. NSOs, MOAs, other ministries and the data users i.e.
                         Academia, Research Institutions and civil society s.
                        Establishment of Ministry of Statistics in Pakistan

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