Page 279 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 279

IPS243 Arbab A. K
                  Establishment  of  the  Agriculture  Statistics  Division  in  Ministry  of
                    Agriculture and Forests in Bhutan
                  Expansion of the agriculture division in Bangladesh
                  Joint  committees  established  for  the  estimation  of  crops  in
                    Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka
              2.  Improving the quality of Administrative Reporting Systems
                 In  some  countries  where  there  were  no  established  census  or  survey
            systems,  administrative  reporting  systems  are  the  key  source  of  statistics
            including agriculture statistics. Major activities performed in this technical area
            and progress achieved are,
                  Improving  Administrative  Reporting  Systems  for  Rice  Production
                    Statistics in LAO PDR and Cambodia.
                  Awareness raising through workshops in all implementing countries to
                    improve  the  quality  of  the  administrative  data  to  make  them
                    statistically reliable and valid.
              3.  Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI)
                 CAPI is an interviewing technique in which an electronic device is used to
              carry out the survey. It is similar to telephone interviewing, except that the
              interview takes place in person instead of over the telephone. This method is
              usually preferred over a telephone interview when the questionnaire is long
              and  complex.  It  has  been  classified  as  a  personal  interviewing  technique
              because an interviewer is usually present to serve as a host and to guide the
              respondent.  CAPI  is  cost  effective  as  it  saves  the  costs  of  printing
              questionnaires, data entry, editing, coding and shortens the overall time for
              the data collection
                 Global  Strategy  in  collaboration  with  World  Bank  has  developed  the
              software  called  Survey  Solutions  to  assist  in  implementing  the  CAPI  in
              beneficiaries’ countries.
                   Bhutan Agriculture Census,
                   Mongolia in livestock survey,
                   Timor Leste, Agriculture Census,
                   Maldives, Male market data among others
                   Viet Nam in agriculture survey
              4.  Cost of Production
                 The Cost of Production (COP) estimates are used to guide and inform
              farmers and agriculture policy makers in making investment decisions and
              policies. CoP manual was developed and implemented in various countries
              focused as follows
                  Cost of Production of Mango in Bangladesh
                  Cost of Production of Rice in Indonesia and Viet Nam

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