Page 286 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 286

IPS246 Tiziana Laureti et al.
                              COMUNIKOS (Communicating Uncertainty in Key
                                 Official Statistics): Application to measuring
                                 Well-being at local level for informed public
                                Tiziana Laureti , Dario Buono , Florabela Carausu
                       1 University of Tuscia, Department of Economics, Engineering, Society andBusiness
                                         2 Eurostat-Methodology for Statistics
                                                3 Gopa Luxemburg

                  The  OECD  initiative,  to  measure  well-being,  compiles  internationally
                  comparable  indicators  on  welfare  for  the  first  time  according  to  the
                  recommendations made by the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission in 2009. 11
                  specific  aspects  of  well-being  are  evaluated  such  as  housing,  income,
                  employment,  community,  education,  the  environment,  civic  commitment,
                  health, life satisfaction, safety, work balance - personal and two transversals
                  aspects:  sustainability  and  inequalities.  The  objective  is  to  develop  new
                  measures to assess well-being and therefore it is recognized that the well-
                  being of the population is not limited to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or
                  economic indicators. Within the framework of this activity, the OECD launched,
                  in 2014, the Regional Wellbeing Measurement project, which consists of a set
                  of indicators of well-being and an analysis thereof, which allows su a better
                  understanding of trends and of the welfare drivers in the 362 regions of the
                  OECD member countries. From this initiative, the National Institute of Statistics
                  and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) has developed a website (Site of Indicators
                  of  Wellbeing  by  Federal  Entity)  where  there  are  twelve  topics  that  cover
                  material housing conditions and quality of life to measure the welfare of the
                  31 Mexican  states and Mexico City. In this presentation, the experience of
                  Mexico  will  be  developed  in  the  integration  and  application  of  the  OECD
                  welfare indicators as well as the main results found at the subnational level. By
                  way of conclusion, we will also see the main challenges that the country has
                  to  reduce  the  disparities  observed,  this  proposal  of  the  OECD  has  the
                  advantage of demonstrate how these indicators can be included in the design,
                  and implementation of policies at all levels of government to improve the life
                  of  the  people.  In  late  2018  Eurostat  launched  the  COMUNIKOS  project
                  (COMmunicating UNcertainty in Key Official Statistics) which aims to conduct
                  an  in-depth  methodological  and  empirical  evaluation  of  a  number  of
                  alternative approaches to measuring and communicating uncertainty as well
                  to propose new methods and metrics in the official statistic setting. Although
                  several statistical organisations have started to invest in identifying ways to
                  measure and communicate data uncertainty, this is only being done randomly.
                  This may lead to a misinterpretation of the statistical results by the users.

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