Page 284 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 284

IPS243 Arbab A. K
                      VIII.   Viet Nam
                            Statistical Law 2003 updated in 2016.
                            Development  Plan  of  the  Viet  Nam  Statistical  Development
                             Strategy 2011 to 2020 and Vision to 2025 (VSDS11-20) drafted and
                             under implementation
                            Statistical indicator system, updated 2016.
                            National statistical survey program, updated 2016;
                            Statistical information dissemination policy developed (2016)
                            Design Master Sample Frame.
                  3.  Conclusion
                      Capacity Development: SPARS implementation process has involved key
                  stakeholders  from  national  institutions  working  on  Agriculture  and  Rural
                  Statistics.  Most  of  them  have  participated  on  the  regional  and  global
                  conferences  on  different  thematic  areas.  Country  level  workshops  and
                  trainings were conducted in all countries to capacitate the people working in
                  ARS sector.
                      Funding Opportunities: In most of the countries the funding of activities
                  highlighted in SPARS was supposed to be done by the local government. But
                  due to limited resources available locally, many development partners and
                  technical agencies have started funding the SPARS activities in many countries
                  of the region. Few examples are
                           Large scale crop production survey in Sri Lanka funded by ADB
                           Livestock Survey in Myanmar funded by World Bank
                           Joint crop monitoring in Bangladesh funded by ADB
                           AGRIS tool is implemented in Cambodia, Nepal and being funded
                             by different partners and coordinated by FAO
                           Pre Agriculture Census activities in Bhutan, Bangladesh, Laos, Timor
                             Leste being funded by FAO through TCP
                           Major surveys in Agriculture are funded by local governments in
                             Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Pakistan.
                           Livestock Census in Mongolia funded by local Government ets.
                  Challenges encountered during SPARS implementation:
                  Following are the main observed challenges during the SPARS implementation
                  process in the region
                        Uncertain and inadequate financial resources;
                        Limitedly  skilled  and  demotivated  human  resources  for  developing
                         agricultural statistics;
                        Weak institutional and organizational processes;
                        Weak and underdeveloped methodological processes;

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