Page 283 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 283

IPS243 Arbab A. K
                        staff), Sampling techniques (2 staff), Food balance sheet (1 staff
                        soon to avail)
                       RNR Statistics Division established with 9 staff on 1st August 2017
                       RNR Statistics Technical Working Group established in September
                       Manual on crop-cutting experiment adopted based on study in 3
                       Technically sound RNR Census planned to be conducted in Dec
                 IV.    Lao PDR
                       Agricultural statistics are based on administrative reporting; data
                        being transmitted weekly from villages to districts to provinces to
                        Ministry of Agriculture and Forests ( MAF) central office.
                       The agricultural statistics system has the weaknesses inherent in
                        any administrative reporting system
                       The administrative reporting system only provides data on crop
                        area/production and livestock numbers.
                       There  were  serious  data  gaps,  such  as  cost  of  production,
                        agricultural prices and food stocks.
                  V.    Myanmar
                       Food Balance Sheets for the year 2011 to 2016 has been prepared
                       Livestock Census was last conducted in 1980
                       Subsequently the collection of livestock  data  on a census basis
                        became a part of the Agricultural Census.
                       Though the data from an exclusive livestock census help to better
                        understand  the  potentialities  of  the  sector  to  improve  the
                        economy, in view of the resources involved, the livestock data will
                        continue to be collected as a part of the agricultural census.
                       Crop Production estimation (rice)
                 VI.    Papua New Guanae
                           Papua New Guinea Cost of Production (Plantation crops)
                           Use of CAPI in CoP and other surveys
                 VII.   Sri Lanka
                       Inconsistencies  in  statistics  produced  by  DCS  and  the  line
                       There are also data gaps, especially crop condition data;
                       Joint monitoring system established
                       food security indicators through the preparation of food balance
                        sheets and PoU estimated by using HIES data

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