Page 302 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 302

IPS246 Oscar Gasca Brito
                                      Table 2: INEGI themes and indicators
                   Themes                        Indicators
                                                Health serviles access
                   Accessibility to services    Dwellings with internet
                                                Dwellings with basic facilities
                   Community (social             Quality of support network
                                                Levels of education
                   Education                    School dropout
                                                Average years of schooling
                                                Time devoted to leisure
                   Life-Work Balance            Employees working very long hours (over 48
                                                Gini Index of disposable income per capita
                   Income                       Equivalent disposable income of households
                                                Poverty population (%)
                                                Extreme poverty population (%)
                                                Air pollution
                   Environment                  Waste disposal

                                                Civic and political participation
                                                Voter turnout
                   Civic engagement             Confidence in the application of the law
                                                Perception of absence of corruption in the
                                                Perception of confidence in judges
                                                Life expectancy
                                                Self-reported health
                                                Obesity rate
                   Health                       Maternal mortality rate
                                                Infant mortality rate
                                                Reason for maternal mortality (deaths per 100
                                                thousand livebirths)

                   Life satisfaction             Life satisfaction
                                                Homicide rate
                                                 Confidence in the police
                   Safety                        Perception of insecurity
                                                 Crime incidence rate
                                                 Occupancy critical conditions rate
                                                 Labor informality rate
                   Jobs                          Unemployment rate
                                                 Economic participation rate
                                                Rooms per person
                   Housing                      Percentage of housing with roofs of precarious
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