Page 307 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 307

IPS249 Terán, Teresita

                        A discussion about the teaching of statistics at all
                                 levels in an Argentinian province
                                           Terán, Teresita
              Veterinary Sciences University – National University of Rosario. Rosario. Santa Fe Province.

            The  dynamic  nature  of  statistics  requires  a  continuous  investigation  of
            contents and teaching methods at different educational levels. Technology,
            for  its  part,  is  currently  influencing  what  and  how  to  teach;  producing  a
            constant  revision  and  analysis  of  contents,  which  are  conditioned  by  the
            previous hypotheses that determine learning. What kind of teaching practices
            on  probability and  statistics  should  be  implemented  to  promote  statistical
            knowledge? how do we foster the critical statistical sense on our students’
            learning?, what contents on probability and statistics could promote intra-
            mathematical mainstreaming and interdisciplinarity fostering the work based
            on  projects?  Nowadays,  in  this  ever-changing  and  unpredictable  society,
            statistical  education  is  taking  place  in  a  new  social  context.  This  one  is
            influenced by a movement of teaching reform of mathematical sciences in

            Statistics, Teaching, Educational level

            1.  Introduction
               As teachers we should reflect upon the best way to prepare young people
            and what the contents and subjects we should teach are, since the contents
            that we consider important today, most probably will not be so in the coming
            years. Let’s remember the transitions from manual calculations to calculators
            and  then  to  computers.  Another  question  arises  then:  What  are  the
            competences students need for their future performance, not only for their
            daily life but also for their professional life? On this respect Moore claims: “The
            reason  why  there  should  be  substantial  changes  on  statistical  teaching  is
            because  there  is  a  strong  synergy  between  the  contents,  pedagogy  and
            technology. Statisticians who teach at introductory levels should familiarize
            themselves not only with investigations on teaching and learning, but also with
            changes  on  educational  technology.  The  spirit  of  instruction  upon
            contemporary statistics will have to be very different from the traditional one
            which made emphasis on explanations and on probability and inference.”
               Probability and statistics are two very important components in our culture
            and in many of our specific sciences. They should be part of the basic cultural
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