Page 305 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 305

IPS246 Oscar Gasca Brito
                               Graph 1: Better life “flower” for Morelos

               The results showed that the state of Morelos is among the top ten in the
            dimensions  of  employment,  health  and  civic  participation,  and  above  the
            national  average  in  education.  It  also  allowed  finding  the  most  important
            challenges  for  state  public  policy:  to  improve  the  level  of  income  and
            environmental quality. The state focused its welfare agenda on the following
               ·  Income: Reduction of income inequalities; attraction of foreign direct
                  investment (FDI); social inclusion and cohesion and poverty reduction.
               ·  Employment: reduction of labor informality to avoid a negative impact
                  on access and the quality of jobs.
               ·  Housing  and  access  to  services:  control  the  urban  growth,  diversify
                  housing options, improve urban mobility and increase the efficiency of
                  land use. In addition, improve accessibility to certain services such as
                  internet, public transport, schools and health centers, as well as, housing
                  connections to basic services (water, sewerage, waste discharge).
               ·  Health: focus on the results of health indicators, such as the incidence of
                  diabetes or obesity, in order to better control health conditions.
               ·  Education:  Improvements  in  the  coverage  and  quality  of  education.
                  Increase the coverage of high school and college, and monitor the skills
                  and achievements of students.
               ·  Environment: Improve and control air quality. Fight against pollution and
                  water scarcity, and focus on the proper disposal of solid waste.
               ·  Security: measurement of objective and subjective security to improve
                  security  personnel  and  the  level  of  confidence  of  citizens  in  the
                  authorities and the police.

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