Page 327 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 327

IPS271 Edgar Vielma Orozco et al.

                         Use of new technologies for the 2020 Population
                                    and Housing Census Round
                                      Vielma, Navarro, Salcedo
                                       University of the Philippines

            For the first time in Mexico, the 2020 Population and Housing Census data
            collection  will  be  carried  out  through  a  CAPI  (Computer-Assisted  Personal
            Interviewing) scheme as the main enumeration method, but it will also the
            CATI  (Computer-Assisted  Telephone  Interviewing)  and  CAWI  (Computer-
            Assisted  Web  Interviewing)  methods.  These  innovations,  given  the  census
            structure  size  and  the  rapid  changes  in  technologies,  are  a  significant
            challenge for INEGI. Progress in census planning and field tests results will be
            presented,  including  the  main  challenges  to  be  faced,  the  innovations
            considered for their implementation, as well as the successful experiences on
            the use of technologies for geo-referencing the information both in the data
            collection stage and for results dissemination.

            Population; Census; Innovations; Technologies

            1.  Introduction
                The purpose of this document is to present the main characteristics of the
            2020  Population  and  Housing  Census;  the  IT  strategy  to  be  implemented,
            emphasizing innovations, in order to increase efficiency and control in each of
            its stages; as well as the main characteristics and results obtained during the
            field tests carried out to determine if the defined procedures are sufficiently
            solid to carry out this census project.
                One of the most important technological innovations of this project is the
            census data collection through the use of mobile computing devices (MD), an
            area in which INEGI already has the experience of previous statistical events
            (surveys, economic census). Also the implementation of operating procedures
            supported by a set of computer tools at the service of the staff, achieving the
            automation of several processes.

            2.  Main characteristics of the Population and Housing Census 2020
                The 2020 Census in Mexico, like its predecessors, will be a “de jure” census,
            which means that the population is enumerated in its place of usual residence.
            The units of observation of the census are the usual residents of the country,
            private dwellings and collective living quarters. The proxy respondent is the

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