Page 323 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 323

IPS264 Oliver H. et al.
            replicated and income distributions were manufactured in a counterfactual
            fashion.  The  starting  point  is  a  distribution  that would  result  if  taxes  were
            levied without any deductions being made beforehand. Next, the partial effect
            of a deduction is determined by simulating the income distribution after taxes
            using the i-th deduction and calculating the difference of Gini coefficients. As
            the first deduction usually yields the highest marginal tax relief, the effects are
            slightly overstated. Therefore, all effects are normalized to sum to one.

            5.  Results

                Figure 1 shows the net effect of each of the six taxes for 2001 and 2011
            and provides a visual overview of the absolute income inequality reduction
            effect of the single taxes. It can be seen that redistribution by income taxes is
            more pronounced than by wealth taxes and federal income tax has the largest
            effect. When comparing 2011 to 2001, inequality overall increased slightly. The
            effect  of  deductions  on  redistribution  generally  persists  in  2011.  One
            exception is the slight decrease of the impact of municipal income tax over

                     Figure 1: Partial redistributive effect of income and wealth taxes

            Note: Gini pre-tax refers to income inequality after social transfers but before taxes.

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