Page 328 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 328

IPS271 Edgar Vielma Orozco et al.
                  head of the dwelling or in his/her absence, a person of 18 and over who is a
                  usual resident of the dwelling and who knows the information of its residents.
                  The data collection is planned to take place in March 2020.
                      Regarding  data  collection  forms,  two  population  and  housing
                  questionnaires are used: a short form, consisting of around 30 questions; and
                  a long form, designed for a probabilistic sample of around 4 million inhabited
                  private dwellings, with approximately 75 questions, which includes the entire
                  short form.
                      Additionally, the 2020 Census will provide statistics on the characteristics
                  of the blocks’ surroundings in localities of 5 thousand and more inhabitants of
                  the country (Urban Surroundings Questionnaire), as well as the infrastructure
                  and socioeconomic characteristics of the localities with less than 5 thousand
                  inhabitants  (Locality  Questionnaire).  The  Social  Assistance  Housing  Census
                  (CAAS,  for  its  acronym  in  Spanish)  is  also  planned,  which  collects  the
                  characteristics  of  the  user  population,  the  people  who  work  in  those
                  institutions, the buildings and the services they provide.
                      In order to obtain a higher response rate, a multimodal approach will be
                  implemented, having as a main method the personal interview assisted by a
                  MD, the self-enumeration via the Internet or the telephone assisted interview,
                  available upon request or in case of non-response after several visits of the
                  interviewer, as well as the use of printed questionnaires in places where the
                  mobile device cannot be used.

                  3.  Use of computer tools in the different stages of the Census 2020
                      The conceptual design contemplates the activities for the identification of
                  information  needs,  which  serve  to  determine  and  define  the  conceptual
                  framework to which the data will be referred, the results presentation schemes,
                  the questionnaires for its collection and the validation criteria for the revision
                  and debugging of inconsistencies.
                      In order to support the conceptual design tasks, two web applications were
                  developed,  the  first  one  called  “Public  Consultation  to  Users  of  the  2020
                  Census”, which aimed to facilitate the task of identifying information needs of
                  users, allowing them to expose systemically and simply the objectives and
                  importance of their requirement; meanwhile, at the managerial level, it allowed
                  to  follow  up  on  each  of  the  requests.  The  second  application  is  the
                  “Conceptual Infrastructure of Census and Counts”, whose objective is to be a
                  repository of the conceptual frameworks for population and housing censuses,
                  allowing  the  recording  and  updating  of  conceptual  and  operational
                  information  on  the  variables  that  have  been  collected  in  the  census
                  questionnaires, as well as reviewing changes over time.
                      During the operational design, the procedures and technical schemes for
                  the  data  collection  activities  are  established,  as  well  as  the  administrative,

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