Page 329 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 329

IPS271 Edgar Vielma Orozco et al.
            organizational, control and monitoring aspects. Since the 1990 Census, INEGI
            has been acquiring experience in the development of systems for these tasks
            and for the year 2020 it is proposed to use three of them:
               1.  The  Conformation  of  Areas  of  Responsibility  System,  which  makes  it
                  possible  to  distribute  equal  workloads  to  the  operational  structure,
                  automatically generating groups or segments of urban blocks or rural
                  localities  grouped  by  their  number  of  dwellings  and  communication
                  routes, among other factors, managing to generate areas of operational
                  responsibility with an optimal collection order. Also, it allows staff to
                  make  manual  adjustments  to  the  conformations,  applying  their
                  experience and knowledge in the field.
               2.  The  Training  System  has  the  purpose  of  providing  the  operational
                  personnel with the capacities and tools necessary for the execution of
                  their functions, through automated learning modules that contain the
                  teaching materials. This system allows giving remote advice, sending the
                  learning activities and monitor progress in training.
               3.  The OPERA System, used in several stages of the information generation
                  process,  allows  for  timely  follow-up  of  the  progress  in  shaping  the
                  operational  structure,  systematizing  the  recruitment  and  selection  of
                  personnel,  from  the  registration  of  applicants  via  Internet  until  their
                  hiring, and follow up the logistics of the operation by controlling the
                  materials and resources necessary for field activities and management
                  (vehicles, computers, questionnaires, brochures, among others).
               The collection of information covers the set of activities to obtain data of
            each unit of  observation, based on the program and the established work
            procedures,  with  an  operational  structure  and  controls  that  promote
            effectiveness in each of the actions. This implies the execution of previously
            designed schemes for data collection, such as the preparation and distribution
            of support materials (cartography, manuals, instructions and catalogues), the
            integration  of  human  resources,  communication  and  consultation,  under  a
            detailed program of activities, an organizational structure and controls that
            should be continuously monitored from the planning phase until the closure
            of the census.
               During this stage, the Censal Administrator application is used, in which the
            workloads of each operative staff  are visualized and managed, allowing to
            reassign  them  if  necessary.  It  includes  a  Capture  Module  for  the  timely
            registration  of  each  building  (Buildings  List),  Urban  Surroundings
            Questionnaire, Locality Questionnaire and short and long questionnaires for
            the inhabited private dwellings. In this application local reports of progress
            and coverage can be obtained; it includes a Supervision Module in which a
            sampling of areas for the revision of the classification of the dwellings and
            inhabited condition is implemented, and through verification mechanisms it is

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