Page 413 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 413

IPS302 Aberash Tariku Abaye
            and  type  of  agriculture  which  is  used  to  prepare  frame  for  the  annual
            agricultural  survey.  In  the  cartographic  work  of  population  and  housing
            census, households are listed and the list is used as frame for the 2018/19
            annual agricultural survey. The same information which will help to build frame
            will also be collected during listing of population and housing census.
                The main objective of AgSS is to measure the area and production of crops
            and the production of livestock at the regional and zone levels. The AgSS is
            also used to study different characteristics of the agricultural households, such
            as the use of irrigation and other agricultural inputs.
               A new sample for the annual agricultural survey is selected in 2018 based
            on the cartographic frame prepared for the 4  population and housing census.
            This survey provided up-to-date data as we used the new updated frame. The
            enumerators  also  used  electronic  map  for  delineating  and  listing.  This
            technological improvement saves time and improves quality.
               The  measure  of  size  for  the  selection  of  EAs  is  based  on  the  number
            households in the updated frame for each rural EA.  Given that a very high
            percent of rural households are involved in agriculture, the total number of
            households was used as the measure of size for the rural EAs.  The sampling
            frame includes new zones that were split from the zones in the previous frame.
            The previous AgSSonly included 66 zones; 10 zones in the Afar and Somali
            Regions with nomadic population were excluded. CSA covered all zones in the
            new frame for the AgSS, to cover all the crop area and livestock in Ethiopia.
               The CSA has a frame of large commercial farms, which are covered in a
            special survey.  This sector may be especially important for particular crops.
            This separate frame is important to ensure that the total crop and livestock
            production is covered since the large commercial farms are excluded from the
               Getting reliable estimate for rare crops is a challenge in AgSS. Collecting
            information on the types of crops grown in each EA in the core module during
            population and housing census may help to develop a special frame for rare
            crops. The other two issues which is recommended to be covered in the core
            module are information related to irrigated crop area and livestock data on
            pastoral areas.
               Technological advances save time and improve quality. The Enumeration
            Area  map  in  the  previous  census  was  paper  based.  Identifying  boundaries
            using paper based maps was difficult. There was also a problem in storage and
            identification of the maps for conducting sample surveys. The electronic EA
            maps prepared which are loaded on each tablet computer helps to guide the
            enumerator during delineation. . These electronic EA maps are also simple to
            access and print for other sample surveys.

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