Page 418 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 418

IPS302 Maia Guntsadze
                              Linking the Population and Housing Census with
                               the Agricultural Census: Technological advances
                               and new opportunities for developing countries
                                            (Georgian case study)
                                                Maia Guntsadze
                                               Tbilisi Open University

                  This  paper  reviews  innovative  approaches  used  in  Georgia  for  Linking  the
                  Population and Housing Census with the Agricultural Census.  In November
                  2014  the  National  Statistics  Office  of  Georgia  (Geostat),  for  the  first  time,
                  conducted  Agricultural  Census  together  with  General  Population  Census.
                  More precisely, there were four different censuses conducted at the same time:
                  Housing  Census,  Population  Census,  Census  of  Emigrants  and  Agricultural
                  Census.  Aiming  at  preparing  high-quality  digital  maps  for  census  data
                  collection/dissemination  and  using  financial  means/time  in  more  effective
                  way, Geostat implemented Geographic Information System (GIS). At the first
                  stage, GIS group, which was created at Geostat, developed GIS maps using
                  cartographic  material  available  in  the  country.  A  supplementary  work  was
                  done to cover the territories where cartographic material was missing.  In order
                  to minimize household/holding duplication and missing risks and effectively
                  distribute work among census enumerators, Geostat conducted preliminary
                  field works in 2013 and elaborated list of dwellings and households existing in
                  Georgia. This information was digitalized and integrated to the cartographic
                  data. Census of Agriculture for Legal Entities was conducted separately from
                  General  Population  Census  and  covered  all  legal  entities  engaged  in
                  agriculture. It was the first time that Geostat used web-based questionnaire
                  for Census of Agriculture and all enterprises participating in the census filled
                  in these questionnaires. This paper will describe technological advances, new
                  opportunities and benefits that Geostat received from conducting Census of
                  Agriculture together with General Population Census, implementing GIS and
                  using web-based questionnaires.

                  Georgia; census; survey; statistics; agriculture; new opportunities

                  1.  Introduction
                      Georgia  is  rich  in  agricultural  tradition,  which  is  an  integral  part  of  its
                  history, mentality and cultural heritage. Agriculture played an important role
                  in formation of the Georgian statehood and contributed much to its economic
                  development. 43.4% (more than 3 million hectares) of the whole territory of
                  Georgia is designated as agricultural land, which also includes pastures and

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