Page 419 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 419

IPS302 Maia Guntsadze
            meadows. 43% of the remaining area is covered with forest. Georgia has a
            wide variety of ecological and climatic zones conducive to the growth of for
            temperate climate and subtropical crops.
                Total area of Georgia is 69,700 km2. 43.3% of the total area of the country
            (30.2 km2) is occupied by agricultural land (2005). Annual crops occupy 220.3
            thousand hectares, and the perennial crops occupy 120.8 thousand hectares
            of land (2007). Besides, 43.2% of the country’s territory is covered by forest
            fund (2010). If Georgia were an EU members state today, it would rank 17th
            based on its area, and it would represent 1.6% of the total area of the EU
            (EU28).  Population  of  Georgia  is  3,729.6  thousand  people,  41.6%  of  which
            (1,554.8  thousand  people)  lives  in  rural  areas  (2018).  75%  of  the  rural
            population is self-employed, mostly in the agricultural sector. Besides, in 2017,
            43.1% of labor force was employed in agriculture, hunting and forestry, fishing
            and fishery industry, and total share of this sector was 8.2% in the GDP.
                Almost all households living in villages are agricultural holdings and even
            in small towns 2/3 of households are engaged in agriculture. Overall, 3 out of
            5 household are engaged in agriculture and they are spread through every
            region  of  the  country.  According  to  the  Census  of  Agriculture  2014,  total
            number of agricultural holdings is around 642 thousand, out of them only 2
            thousand  are  legal  entities  while  other  640  thousands  are  households.
            Majority  of  agricultural  holdings  are  small  and  they  produce  agricultural
            products for their own consumption.
                Due  to  favorable  geographical  location  and  climate,  Georgia  produces
            more than 25 kinds of permanent and more than 20 kinds of annual crops.
            Also animal husbandry is quite common in Georgia. One of the specificity of
            the country is that the agricultural sector is not well-specialized and majority
            of holdings produce many different kinds of agricultural products.
                Statistical system in Georgia is centralized. The Law of Georgia on Official
            Statistics creates a general framework for statistical system in the country and
            sets  coordination  principles  for  all  institutions  responsible  for  producing
            official  statistics  in  Georgia.  According  to  the  law,  production  and
            dissemination of statistics shall be based on the 10 basic UN principles of
            official statistics. Geostat is a coordinating body of Georgia's statistical system
            and the only producer of official agricultural statistics in the country . Geostat
            is the agency responsible for conducting population and housing censuses, as
            well as agricultural census and economic censuses.

              The Georgian statistical system covers the whole area of the country, except the occupied
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