Page 420 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 420

IPS302 Maia Guntsadze
                  2. Methodology
                     In  November  2014  the  National  Statistics  Office  of  Georgia  conducted
                  Census of Agriculture together with the Population Census. In fact, there were
                  4 different censuses conducted together: Housing Census, Population Census,
                  Census of Emigrants and Agricultural Census. Additionally, census identified
                  holdings operating in the sector of aquaculture and greenhouses. The census
                  was conducted using GIS maps.
                     Geostat started preparatory works for the General Population Census in
                  2006. One of the principal parts of these works was implementing GIS in order
                  to create digital cartographic material and use them in census data collection
                  and dissemination process. At the first stage, GIS group, which was created at
                  Geostat,  developed  GIS  maps  using  cartographic  material  available  in  the
                  country.  A  supplementary  work  was  done  to  cover  the  territories  where
                  cartographic material was missing. In addition to this, a numbering script was
                  prepared in order to give its own code to each parcel and buildings located
                  on it through the country territory. After this, a supplementary work was done
                  for updating existing software and for switching to fully automatized system.
                     In  2013  Geostat  conducted  preliminary  field  works  to  elaborate  list  of
                  dwellings and households existing in Georgia. In order to digitalize collected
                  information and integrate it to the cartographic data, there was developed
                  software which was using coding system created by GIS group. Information
                  received  from  the  preliminary  field  works  was  used  for  correcting  and
                  finalizing existing data on buildings and for distributing work among census
                  enumerators  effectively.  In  addition  to  these,  household  duplication  and
                  missing risks were minimized.
                     By  implementing  GIS,  Geostat  managed  to  significantly  decrease  time
                  needed  for  preparing  cartographic  materials,  use  financial  means  in  more
                  effective way and prepare highquality maps.
                     Register of legal entities engaged in agriculture was prepared separately,
                  due to the fact that General Population Census covered only household sector.
                  To fulfill the list of agricultural enterprises, all existing reliable sources in the
                  country were used: existing sample frame of the regular quarterly survey on
                  agriculture, Statistical Business Register, Public register, Information available
                  at  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture,  at  local  governments,  at  the  Ministry  of
                  Education and at the Patriarchate of Georgia. After the General Population
                  Census Agricultural Census for Legal Entities was conducted separately.
                     Preparation  process  of  the  census  questionnaires  was  held  under  the
                  international guidelines and recommendations, taking into the consideration
                  local user's needs.  The census questionnaire consisted of four separate parts,
                  respectively  to  four  different  censuses:  Questionnaire  on  Dwelling  (Q1),
                  Personal  Questionnaire  (Q2),  Questionnaire  on  Emigrants  (Q3)  and
                  Questionnaire on Agriculture (Q4). In total, census questionnaire had 9 pages:

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