Page 432 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 432

IPS307 Tjeerd Jellema et al.
                  countries. The difference between total S12O debt securities liabilities and SPV
                  liabilities may be attributable to the existence of captive financial institutions
                  (S127) that issue debt securities on behalf of related corporations, so-called

                  5.  Conclusion
                      The work by the BOPCOM TF in providing a working definition of SPEs will
                  benefit the comparability of external sector statistics. The working definition
                  will benefit European and worldwide compilers in harmonizing their reporting
                  on  SPEs  and  allowing  a  consistent  labelling  of  SPEs  across  Europe.  The
                  BOPCOM definition stops short of considering the case when entities are not
                  directly  or  indirectly  foreign  controlled,  pointing  at  the  need  to
                  complementing the BOPCOM definition from the national accounts side.
                      The presence of SPEs can be circumstantially evidenced through assessing
                  whether an infrastructure exists in a given country to support a significant SPE
                  population. A clear entry point is knowledge of particular legal provisions in a
                  specific jurisdiction that sets SPEs apart from regular corporations. At a first
                  glance, the presence of legal and financial service sector with an employment
                  share over the European average seems a good indicator, as would be the
                  openness to investment abroad to large international legal, accounting and
                  consulting firms. In a few SPE concentrating countries, low headline corporate
                  tax rates would seem a locational factor as well.
                      In SPE concentrating countries, the impact on the national international
                  investment  position  is  large,  and  clearly  motivates  the  separate  accurate
                  reporting  of  SPEs,  as  SPE  related  flows  and  positions  would  dominate  the
                  ‘regular’ flows. Moreover, it is clearly established that SPEs in the European
                  context are relevant not only in FDI, but also with regards to other functional
                  categories, notably portfolio investment, may have non-financial assets and
                  can  be  found  as  non-financial  corporations  (S11)  as  well  as  financial
                  corporations,  in  particular  other  financial  intermediaries  (S125),  captive
                  financial institutions (S127) and insurance corporations (S128).

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