Page 428 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 428

IPS307 Tjeerd Jellema et al.
                  expression of this could be a FDI size indicator, as shown in Figure 1, which is
                  calculated as the natural logarithm of the ratio of total FDI liability positions
                  to GDP. Positive numbers indicate that FDI liabilities exceed GDP, this can be
                  observed for seven countries. In Figure 1 the SPE concentrating countries are
                  labelled by a diamond and countries that reported the presence of SPEs in
                  [ECB (2017)] are labelled by a small circle.

                     In a European context, the establishment of SPEs structured to manage the
                  tax  liabilities  and/or  financing  requirement  of  large  MNE’s  requires  highly
                  specialised services. These are typically provided by legal professionals, tax
                  consultants, specializing in international, European and home country law as
                  well as financial sector specialists. Often these are provided by multinational
                  consulting firms, with international staff, able to call on national expertise as
                  and when needed. It is therefore of interest to consider whether SPE hosting
                  countries would have a well-developed legal, financial and consulting services
                  sector. Figure 1 shows the share of employment in financial and professional
                  services  as  percentage  of  total  employment.  The  indicator  has  been
                  normalised against the EU average of 8.5%, countries with negative scores
                  have less than the EU average, and countries with positive scores exceed the
                  European average. All of the countries that we associate with concentrations
                  of SPEs have positive scores exceeding 1, with the exception of Hungary. From
                  the OECD restrictiveness indicator [OECD 2019a] we learn that European SPE
                  concentrating countries have no restrictions with regards to FDI in the financial
                  and professional sectors i.e. are fully open to international consulting firms.
                     One final and very compelling reason by which European countries may
                  attract  SPEs,  and  the  first  cited  reason  in  the  macro-economic  statistics
                  manuals  [See  for  instance  IMF  2009  para  4.50],  is  the  provision  of  tax
                  advantages. Often, these tax advantages are available to large corporations
                  through the establishment of complex corporate legal structures in several
                  countries  in  combination,  rather  than  in  single  countries  in  isolation.
                  Nonetheless,  overall  corporate  income  tax  rates  provide  corporations  with

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