Page 430 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 430

IPS307 Tjeerd Jellema et al.
                      Such desired quality may however be difficult to achieve. Table 3 presents
                  the intra euro area aggregate bilateral FDI asset positions as well as the mirror
                  liability positions. Here euro area countries are classified as to whether they
                  are considered SPE concentrating countries or not. The data are expressed as
                  percentages of total intra euro area assets.
                      Total intra euro area liabilities are 91% of total assets therefore the intra
                  euro  area  asymmetry  amounts  to  9%  of  total  assets.  Note  that  SPE
                  concentrating countries hold 60% of the total intra euro area assets, of which
                  34% are liabilities vis-à-vis SPE concentrating countries, and 26% are vis-à-vis
                  other euro area countries. The breakdown of the bilateral asymmetries is also
                  relevant,  3%  is  between  SPE  concentrating  countries,  and  5%  refers  to
                  mismatches  between  SPE  concentrating  and  other  euro  area  countries.
                  Bilateral asymmetries between euro area non-SPE concentrating countries are
                  only 1% of total intra euro area assets, These asymmetries and the overall
                  relevance of SPE concentrating countries indicate the importance of SPEs for
                  the quality of national as well as euro area aggregates. Some consideration
                  must be given to the problem of pass through investment, which is a typical
                  concern in the field of FDI statistics, and indeed has been one of the main
                  drivers behind the separate reporting of SPEs to Eurostat and OECD. In recent
                  years, the validity of the assumption that SPEs are predominantly responsible
                  for pass through investment has been challenged, and alternative methods of
                  measuring pass through investment have been proposed (Leino et al. [2015],
                  Kocerka et al [2017]).

                  Table 2 ECB Fact finding on SPEs – relevance of  Table 3 FDI Positions, reported assets
                  SPEs positions by functional category      and mirror liabilities, percentage of total
                                                             intra euro area assets, 2017
                                                                                 euro area   Intra EA
                                                                               SPE   Sparse
                                                                             concentratin  or    Assets
                                                                             g countries   countries
                                                                                      No SPE
                                                                  SPE   Reported   34    26      60
                                                                      Mirror       31    24
                                                                      Asym.        3      2
                                                              euro  NSPE  Reported   22   18
                                                              area                               40

                                                                      Mirror       19    17
                                                                      Asym.        3      1
                                                             Intra EA   Total Liabilities    49   42   100
                                                             % of total intra EA Assets

                  Source: ECB                                Source: ECB

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