Page 440 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 440

IPS320 Michael Frosch

                  Figure 2
                   Classification  modules  depending  on  self-identified  (SI)
                   employment status

                    SI- Self-employed      SI- Employees         SI-CFW

                    -Having employees or   -Forms of remuneration    -Forms of
                    not                    -Responsibility for   remuneration
                    -Incorporated          contribution to social   -Making most
                    enterprise             insurance or deduction   important
                    -Operational and/or
                    economic dependency    of income tax or actual   decisions

                   Sub-classification module defined as

                    -Guaranteed minimum amount of hours
                    -Time-limited employment arrangement
                    -  Reasons  for  limited  duration  of
                    -  The  duration  of  the  employment

                     Countries still have limited experience with measuring the new category of
                  dependent contractors. The proposed measurement approach for identifying
                  dependent  contractors  is  based  on  two  different  tracks.  The  first  track
                  identifies  dependent  contractors  among  those  persons  that  perceive
                  themselves  as  being  self-employed  while  the  second  starts  by  targeting
                  persons that self-identify as employees. The two tracks are a recognition that
                  within dependent contractors there are two sub-categories: workers who own
                  and operate their own business but do not have full control or authority over
                  their  work,  and  workers  who  provide  their  labour  to  others  but  have
                  contractual arrangements that are akin to self-employment. The first group
                  would have a greater tendency to identify themselves as self-employed while
                  the latter would more frequently identify themselves as being employees. It is
                  hence necessary to identify dependent contractors among self-identified self-
                  employed  as  well  as  self-identified  employees  in  order  to  identify  all
                  dependent contractors.

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