Page 444 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 444

IPS320 Tine Cordes et al.

                                Testing dependent contractors in the Danish
                                             Labour Force Survey
                                         Tine Cordes, Thomas Thorsen
                                       Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

                  The new International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE) from 2018
                  introduces  a  different  view  on  the  traditional  dichotomy  between  self-
                  employed and employees. Instead employment is divided both according to
                  authority  (dependent  and  independent  workers)  and  according  to  risk
                  (employment for profit and employment for pay). The dividing lines between
                  these  categories  are  not  always  clear-cut,  which  presents  challenges  for
                  national statistical institutes when conducting their Labour Force Surveys (LFS).
                  In  particular,  the  category  dependent  contractors  consisting  of  dependent
                  workers who work for profit is presumed to be difficult to measure.
                  In the second quarter of 2017 the International Labour Organization (ILO) had
                  some questions added to the Danish LFS in order to test their quality and their
                  suitability to measure the concept of dependent contractors. Three tentative
                  definitions  of  dependent  contractors  were  constructed  by  ILO  from  these
                  The groups found were relatively disjunctive, and the characteristics that were
                  expected  to  be  defining  for  dependent  contractors  did  not  seem  to  exist
                  together very  often. Moreover none of the three groups seemed to be as
                  exposed, as one might expect to be the case for dependent contractors.
                  Even if the phenomenon of dependent contractors was widely acknowledged,
                  an  empirically  proven  delineation  of  dependent  contractors  was  not
                  established when the ICSE was adopted. Instead some potential characteristics
                  were included in the adopted ICSE.
                  Revisiting the Danish test in this light, this paper has its main focus on those
                  of the tested questions that are considered relevant in measuring dependent
                  contractors according to the new ICSE. These include if another economic unit
                     -   controls the price for the goods or services provided,
                     -   controls working arrangements such as working time, or
                     -   serves as a dominant customer.
                  The  suitability  of  the  specific  questions  regarding  the  identification  of
                  dependent  contractors  is  discussed  by  presenting  additional  relevant
                  characteristics of the respondents. Some of the characteristics are found in the
                  LFS itself, while others are found by linking to administrative microdata.
                  Finally,  the  results  are  used  to  discuss  the  concept  and  measurability  of
                  dependents contractors in the relevant economic setting. Besides evaluating

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