Page 442 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 442

IPS320 Michael Frosch
                  the  possibility  to  measure  the  different  levels  of  ICSE-18  with  different
                  frequencies depending on national needs and context.
                     The implementation of ICSE-18 will increase the number of questions in
                  most LFS and hence raise respondent burden. However, it is important to keep
                  in mind that many of the key characteristics are already often collected. In
                  addition, most of the information needed for defining the ICSE-18 categories
                  is also often quite relevant labour market information by itself.
                     The 20  ICLS resolution I is a clearer and more comprehensive framework
                  that meets the needs of different types of users and that better reflects the
                  economic  risk  and  degree  of  authority  that  is  associated  with  the  work
                  relationship. The expectation is that ICSE-18 will greatly improve the current
                  situation where the work relationship is typically defined solely on the basis of
                  the self-identification of the respondent and where the treatment of particular
                  groups of workers is unclear, with the result that countries are using different
                  practices. Instead, the new ICSE-18 requires a more objective measurement in
                  which  the  status  in  employment  is  derived  on  the  basis  of  information
                  collected  using  multiple  questions.    This  will  contribute  to  increased
                  international harmonisation. At the same time, the 20  ICLS resolution I also
                  poses  challenges  for  countries  and  more  guidance  is  still  needed.  The
                  proposed measurement approach gives clear guidelines that countries can use
                  for most of the part of ICSE-18 and the cross-cutting variables. However, there
                  are  still  some  important  aspects,  such  as  the  identification  of  dependent
                  contractors  that  need  further  methodological  testing  and  development  of
                  guidance. This paper has focused on ICSE-18 but there are also other aspects
                  of the resolution that need further conceptual and methodological work.
                     The 20  ICLS resolution I and the data collection guidelines are important
                  steps to improving the measurement of work relationships, but more work is
                  needed  and  in  the  end  it  is  a  dynamic  process  that  relies  on  the  active
                  participation from a broad and diverse set of countries. Countries are therefore
                  encouraged to conduct further testing for contributing to the methodological
                  work as well as carry out tests at the national level before implementing ICSE-

                  1.  International Labour Organization, 2018a, Resolution concerning
                      statistics on work relationships, adopted by the 20  International
                      Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva.

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