Page 448 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 448

IPS320 Tine Cordes et al.
                  contractor indicators in order to get more information on those workers who
                  are captured by each of the indicators.

                  3.  Result
                  3.1.   Test results from the Danish test carried out for ILO
                     In  the  test  conducted  for  ILO,  definition  1  –  dependency  of  a  client  –
                  counted 11,300 persons representing around 5 percent of all self-employed
                  and  9  percent  of  the  self-employed  in  the  test  group  (no  incorporated
                  company, no employees). Compared to the remaining part of the test group,
                  the  group  meeting  definition  1  seemed  to  have  a  specific  profile  around
                  consultants and highly educated professionals. They showed indications of
                  being slightly more exposed due to lower turnover and working time, but the
                  small size of this group made it impossible to draw any conclusions. Definition
                  2  –  the  price  control  approach  –  comprised  18,900  persons  which  was  8
                  percent of all self-employed and 15 percent of the self-employed in the test
                  group.  This  group  did  not  show  signs  of  exposure,  but  rather  captured  a
                  certain  industry,  namely  the  farming  industry,  where  price  setting  often  is
                  outside control of the worker. Hence, inability to set prices seems inadequate
                  by itself, but might rather be an indication of dependency when co-existing
                  with  other  dependency-indicators,  for  example  dependency  of  clients.
                  However, as can be seen from Figure 1, dependency of clients and the price
                  control approach did not seem to co-exist very often. Only 2,500 persons,
                  corresponding to 9 percent of those meeting any of the two criteria, met both
                  of the two criteria. The 2,500 persons are just 2 percent of all self-employed in
                  the test group and hence too small a group to base any conclusions on.

                  Figure 1. Overlap between definitions of Dependent Contractors. Persons

                                           Definition    Definition
                                               1             2
                                               8900             16400

                      As indicated above neither of the two definitions by themselves seemed
                  to capture people in especially precarious, dependent situations. That might
                  be because neither of the characteristics involved in the definitions seem to
                  be unique to dependent contractors, as many ordinary businesses work under
                  similar  conditions  without  being  particularly  dependent,  let  alone  in  a

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