Page 447 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 447

IPS320 Tine Cordes et al.
                             Indicator                       Potential dependency
             Only  one  client  or  at  least  75  percent  of   Operational or economic dependency
             income from the same client during the last   of client
             12 months

              Clients determine working hours fully or in   Operational dependency of client
              Price is set by another company or agent or   Economic dependency of client or
              by the client                            other
              Former employer encouraged the person to  Operational or economic dependency
              become self-employed                     of client

              Not enough influence with regards to pricing  Economic dependency of client or
              work                                     other
              Not possible to have employees within field   Operational   or   economic
              of work                                  dependency,   working   conditions
                                                       similar to those of employees

              Clients want the worker to carry out the work  Operational   or   economic
              personally                               dependency,   working   conditions
                                                       similar to those of employees
             Worker is able to influence the content   Operational dependency, working
             of work-assignments to a lesser extent    conditions similar to those of
             or not at all                             employees
             Worker  is  able  to  influence  the  order  of   Operational dependency, working
             work-assignments to a lesser extent or not   conditions similar to those of
             at all                                    employees

            Furthermore, we identify questions that may indicate that the worker is an
            own-account worker. The idea is that some of these may disqualify the worker
            from being a dependent contractor. These indicators are:
                1.  Typically sets the price charged for products or services
                2.  Plans to employ people within 12 months
                3.  Plans to use subcontractors within 12 months
                4.  Worker is able to influence content of work assignments to a great
                5.  Worker is able to influence order of work assignments to a great
                To assess the strength of the individual indicators in identifying dependent
            contractors, we divide all self-employed in the test group into two subgroups:
            Workers who might be dependent contractors, and workers who are unlikely
            to be dependent contractors. This is done by using information from the core
            LFS, such as descriptions of company, activity, occupation, tasks and types of
            clients  of  the  worker.  This  manual  division  of  the  workers  is  then  cross-
            tabulated with the two sets of indicators.
                We also use information from administrative sources (Statistics Denmark’s
            Business Register and Income Statistics) to cross-tabulate with the dependent

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