Page 451 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 451

IPS320 Tine Cordes et al.
                           Table 2. Indicators of being an own-account worker.
                Number with indicator true/false, percentage deemed potential dependent
                                       Number of persons      Percentage potential dependent
                                                              contractors according to manual
                                   Indicator true     Indicator false  Indicator true   Indicator false
                                            Persons                   Percentage
         1 Setting price,             89 300        34 600         29            29
         2 Planning hiring employees    22 600     101 200         17            31
         3 Planning subcontractors    28 900        94 900         16            33
         4 High influence on content of   99 300    24 500         31            19
         5 High influence on order of   92 000      31 800         28            30

               Table 3 shows the median annual personal income for self-employed in the
            test group for each of the dependent contractor indicators. It shows that for
            several indicators, the median income and median turnover is higher for those
            answering yes to the indicator than for those answering no. This implies that
            the  indicators  do  not  necessarily  catch  workers  in  especially  vulnerable
            positions  within  the  test  group.  The  test  group  as  a  whole,  though,  has
            relatively low income and turnover compared to other types of self-employed.
            It is to be expected that persons with higher degree of exposure will be a
            significant part both among dependent contractors and own-account workers.

              Table 3. Indicators of being a dependent contractor. Median income and turnover
                                     Median personal income DKK   Median annual turnover DKK
                                    Indicator true    Indicator false    Indicator true   Indicator false
        1.  Single dominant client    261 000       232 000       264 000     363 000
        2.  Clients determine working   283 000     234 000       272 000     358 000
        3.  Price set by others       219 000       255 000       573 000     264 000
        4.  Former employer encouraged   294 000    245 000          .        358 000
        5.  Not enough influence on   190 000       255 000       413 000     287 000
        6.  Employees not possible in   319 000     234 000       386 000     312 000
           field of work
        7.  Clients want work carried out   303 000    224 000    207 000     388 000
        8.  No/little influence on content   115 000    255 000    195 000    353 000
           of assignments
        9.  No/little influence on order of   276 000    245 000    195 000    353 000

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