Page 50 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 50

IPS178 Stephan Müller
                  weekends) can be considered. Industrial output will be lower on these days,
                  so this can be a reason for lower statistical figures. Statisticians recognise this
                  effect  and  can  clarify  the  statistical  anomaly  in  this  matter  through  their
                  communication with economists. Statisticians also review the texts with regard
                  to  the  respective  formulations,  but  only  in  terms  of  reasonable  statistical
                  interpretation of the data. The assessment of the economic perspective is still
                  solely based on the considerations of the economists.
                      In the event of special occurrences, statisticians can also provide their own
                  individual contributions to articles  in the Monthly Report. This provides an
                  opportunity  for  a  closer  look  at  the  statistical  background  of  noteworthy
                  economic events. These contributions benefit greatly from the communication
                  relationships  already  described.  An  apposite  example,  where  a  well-
                  established communication process was very useful in the preparation of the
                  Monthly Report, is the section on the German economy in the February 2019
                  edition. Within this section, the statisticians provided a quantification of the
                  effects  of  plant  holidays  and  strikes  on  German  motor  vehicle  production,
                  which was processed in a separate box regarding the weakness of German
                  motor vehicle production in the second half of 2018. It explicitly describes why
                  the production of motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts fell by 8% on the
                  quarter in seasonally adjusted terms in the third quarter of 2018 (Deutsche
                  Bundesbank 2019).
                      The  communication  that  takes  place  in  support  of  the  described
                  production process of the Monthly Report has become largely standardised.
                  This is necessary because the time frame for coordination between economists
                  and statisticians is rather limited. For the statistical review, a time slot of two
                  to  three  days  is  provided.  Sometimes  ad  hoc  coordination  is  required  if
                  changes need to be integrated into the Monthly Report at short notice. The
                  communication takes places mostly via email. This includes personal email as
                  well as coordination via centralised functional email addresses accessible to a
                  designated  group  of  employees.  Mutual  exchange  via  telephone  is  also
                  possible, especially in the context of the last-minute changes described above.
                  It is very important that, in this context, communication takes place almost
                  exclusively at the operational level, which means that the experts themselves
                  work closely together. However, communication across hierarchical levels is
                  also possible, so that experts at the operational level can, if necessary, advise
                  senior managers. Communication in and of itself depends to a large extent on
                  employees  actively  seeking  out  interdisciplinary exchange  and  maintaining
                  contacts  independently.  This  is  currently  complicated  by  the  fact  that  DG
                  Economics and DG Statistics are not located at the same premises. Personal
                  contact between the respective counterparts is therefore  limited and other
                  forms of communication must be used instead. The communication in the
                  production process of the Monthly Report is typically based on the initiative

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