Page 47 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 47

IPS178 Stephan Müller
            Eurostat, IMF, BIS, OECD) for the production of a wide range of international

            3.  Taking the user perspective into account
                In  terms  of  the  Bundesbank’s  internal  communication  between  the
            compilers and users of statistical products, questions are raised regarding the
            users’ specific needs and focuses – the user perspective. Users of statistical
            products can be found, in particular, in the areas of monetary policy, economic
            research, financial stability, markets, payments, and banking supervision. They
            value the exchange of information with statisticians and actively promote it.
            Intensive contact usually takes place at the operational level. Users can make
            use  of  centralised  functional  email  addresses  belonging  to  the  respective
            statistical departments for their requests. Subsequent in-depth discussions are
            usually carried out by telephone in direct contact between the user and the
            producer. Relationships are also fostered through informal communication in
            the  form  of  joint  lunches  or  other  personal  meetings.  Users  are  especially
            interested in new developments in the statistical survey methodology, time
            series, or emerging technologies. In order to introduce users to these types of
            topics, personal contact is particularly important in order to remove ambiguity,
            become  acquainted  with  the  right  contact  persons,  and  gain  a  better
            understanding of the data and its relevance.
                Regular cooperation also takes place in the production of joint reports or
            articles,  for  example  in  the  context  of  the  Bundesbank’s  Monthly  Report.
            However,  even  texts  written  only  by  economists  can  convey  new
            developments from the world of statistics, provided that these topics have
            been discussed with statisticians. Therefore, information about such messages
            must  be  actively  shared  with  the  users.  This  includes  information  on  new
            findings in international bodies such as the Irving Fisher Committee on Central
            Bank Statistics (IFC), the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of
            Payments Statistics (CMFB), or the European Statistical Forum (ESF). In this
            context, the exchange of information works in both  directions. Innovations
            and new insights from the various areas in which the users operate can thus
            also be shared with the statistical community by providing them via  these
            bodies. Other key areas in which intensive communication is important from
            the  user’s  perspective  are  the  production  processes  of  statistical
            questionnaires and surveys, the interpretation of statistical developments in
            the  context  of  the  overall  economic  situation,  as  well  as  the  provision  of
            statistical data from internal and external databases. Especially in the latter
            case, users often lack a precise overview of the available data.

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