Page 461 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 461

IPS320 Monica D. C. et al.
            methods of statistical measurement. The initial focus would be on measuring
            worker incidence in IPW as well as working conditions especially through a
            labour force survey or targeted household survey, for example, focusing on
            households with Internet access. As the issue of connectivity is central to the
            concept of IPW, this must be taken into consideration when developing the
            sampling frame particularly in countries (and subregions such as rural areas)
            where Internet access may be scarce.
               Work will also focus on reviewing additional data collection approaches
            such  as  specialized  surveys  targeting  digital  labour  platforms  to  obtain
            information regarding workers in IPW or targeting Internet users. The benefit
            of  conducting  surveys  directly  with  the  digital  labour  platforms  is  that
            operators  are  able  to  provide  information  regarding  the  parties  in  the
            triangular relationship, including the number of registered and active platform
            workers; types of tasks; skills requirements, working time aspects of the tasks,
            payment to workers by the task; functioning of algorithmic management to
            assign, monitor and evaluate completion of tasks and data tracking; number
            and type of requesters or clients and volume of client requests over a given
            reference period. Special surveys could seek to obtain information about the
            number and characteristics of platform operators and the requesters that use
            the platform. However, it’s important to bear in mind that IPW is a global
            phenomenon  in  which  workers,  clients,  and  platform  operators  are  often
            geographically dispersed across countries and even continents, posing unique
            challenges  for  measurement,  suggesting  the  need  for  cross-border
            cooperation on data collection.
               The findings will help support development of a proposal for a statistical
            conceptual framework and preliminary measurement approaches using labour
            force surveys and other household surveys as well as other specialized data
            collection instruments and methods  that could be tested. Such a  proposal
            could be crafted to support the establishment of a cross-cutting variable on
            IPW in the context of measuring work relationships, supporting the Resolution.
            Alternatively, it could be used to develop a stand-alone conceptual framework
            and methods for measuring IPW that would be developed as a proposal for a
            new statistical standard on IPW, being fully aligned with ICLS Resolutions on
            work statistics and work relationships.
               Entrepreneurs.  The  approach  to  measuring  entrepreneurial  activity  has
            evolved significantly over time. The Resolution addresses the limitations of the
            System of National Accounts (SNA)-based definition for the identification of
               The ICSE-18 moves away from the term self-employed previously used in
            ICLS  standards  since  it  is  interpreted  differently  in  SNA  as  compared  with
            labour  market  statistics.  ICSE-18  introduces  the  category  of  independent
            workers, who are those employed persons who own and control an economic

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