Page 462 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 462

IPS320 Monica D. C. et al.
                  unit for which they work, whether it is incorporated or not. The category of
                  independent  workers  in  the  classification  of  status  in  employment  would
                  provide  the  best  starting  point  for  the  identification  and  compilation  of
                  statistics on entrepreneurs.
                     Comprehensive  and  internationally  comparable  data  for  entrepreneurial
                  activity is lacking. One of the main challenges is that data on entrepreneurship
                  span a multitude of domains. They cross the traditional boundary between
                  economic  and  social  statistics  by  encompassing  topics  such  as  the
                  demography and performance of businesses, the profiles of individuals who
                  create enterprises, the attitudes toward entrepreneurship, and the regulatory
                  environment for setting up new businesses.
                     The complex nature of entrepreneurship and its significance for economic
                  growth  demand  internationally  comparable  indicators  that  will  enable
                  distinguishing  entrepreneurship  from  other  business  activities.  The  aim
                  moving  forward  is  to  develop  practical  guidance  on  the  identification,
                  measurement  and  compilation  of  statistics  on  entrepreneurs.  The  level  of
                  detail may vary depending on the statistical source and on descriptive and
                  analytical  needs.  Different  statistical  sources  (household-based  surveys,
                  establishment-based  surveys,  and  administrative  sources),  have  distinct
                  advantages as well as limitations and can frequently be complementary to
                  each other.  A  review  of  current  country  practices  and  existing  methods  of
                  statistical measurement is expected to be undertaken.

                  4. Conclusion and discussion
                     The topics of MPWR, IPW and entrepreneurs are relevant for the future of
                  work  globally  and  require  further  conceptual  and  methodological
                  development  work  with  a  view  to  supporting  countries  with  statistical
                  measurement. The topics of MPWR and IPW share common elements but are
                  also  quite  unique  and  all  three  topics  will  require  targeted  approaches  to
                  measurement. Of the three topics discussed in this paper, IPW is the only one
                  for which an international concept definition hasn’t yet been established, thus
                  moving forward on defining the scope of a proposed definition will be critical.
                  In  all  cases,  consultations  with  stakeholders  will  be  essential  during  the
                  development  process  to  ensure  alignment  of  information  needs  of
                  policymakers and researchers on the one hand, and soundness of proposals
                  concerning statistical methods from the perspective of data producers, on the
                  other.  Consultations  will  ensure  adequate  support  for  the  proposals,  thus
                  allowing proposed approaches and testing to go forward particularly where
                  the  concept  definition  is  established  in  the  international  standards,  i.e.  for
                  MPWR and entrepreneurs. Suggestions and refinements to the proposed set
                  of objectives, challenges and approaches in support of further conceptual and

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