Page 465 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 465

IPS320 Wissanee P. et al.
            workers are identified as self-employed when given the arrangements in which
            they work, they should be classified as dependent homeworkers. Dependent
            contractors  are  a  sub-category  of  Dependent  Workers  that  has  been
            recommended  by  the  20   ICLS  Resolution  on  Statistics  on  Work  and
            Employment Relationships (ICLS 2018).

            2.  Methodology
                The  questions  included  targeted  self-identified  self-employed  persons
            without employees , allowing the assessment of the following two different
            boundaries for identifying dependent contractors:
                 (a)  Whether the worker receives raw materials or instructions provided
                     by “customer”, or another company, agent, or contractor. (indicates
                     operational dependency)
                 (b)  Whether the pricing of their work/ product is set by a third actor or
                     customer. (indicates economic dependency).
                A  condition  also  applied  selected  only  the  own-account  self-employed
            whose enterprise is unincorporated. However only a small number of own-
            account self-employed consist of an incorporated enterprise.
                The data are from the Informal Employment Survey of the Thailand Labour
            Force  Survey  conducted  yearly  on  a  quarterly  basis.  This  module  was
            conducted throughout the country in July, August and September 2017. The
            data  collection  was  face-to-face  interview  with  the  head  of  household  or
            members of the household. The reference week is 7 days before the interview

            3.  Results
                The analysis indicates there is an overlap between not controlling price
            and getting supplies or instructions from others. Fourteen per cent of workers
            who  do  not  control  price  also  receive  supplies  or  instructions  from
            “customer(s)” or “another company/agent/contractor” (Table 1). Therefore, in
            the aggregate, the variable of “price control” by itself points to a large share
            of workers most likely to be dependent contractors

              The other sub-categories of self-employed worker—Employers and Contributing Family
            Workers—were not asked these questions; it would provide useful information
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