Page 61 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 61

IPS179 Wian B.
            quantile cut-off values. For this purpose, only observations falling between the
            20th and 90th percentile of the logarithmically transformed average transfer
            values per month will be included. No seasonal adjustment will be made given
            the limited sample size.

            5.  Discussion of Results
                Figure 2(a) compares the unchained versions of the Laspeyres, Paasche,
            Fisher and Törnqvist indices for salary EFTs respectively. The reader’s attention
            should immediately focus on the months of November and December in 2017.
            The steep decline in the index for the aforementioned months is primarily due
            to  the  strong  seasonal  increase  in  transaction  volumes  and  average
            transaction values during November and December relative to July 2017, the
            base  period  used  in  the  index  calculation.  This  outcome  supports  the
            argument that a sufficiently long time series will be required to construct a
            statistically sound index. Following December 2017, the index returns to levels
            deemed to be in line with expectations.

                        Figure 2: Salary EFT Price Indices (July 2017 = 100)

            Figure 2(b), which calculates the same indices as in Figure 2(a) but in chain-
            linked format, provides an even more interesting outcome. Apart from the
            significant drop in the months of November 2017 and December 2017, the
            indices,  with  the  exception  of  the  Laspeyres  index,  do  not  revert  back  to
            “normal” levels. This can be viewed as an extreme case of chain drift and occurs
            in this magnitude when volatile movements (or bounces) are observed in the
            prices and/or quantities (Hill 2001). It is likely that the magnitude of the drift
            will  reduce  significantly  once  the  index  is  constructed  using  seasonally
            adjusted data.
                 To reduce chain drift, the solution proposed by Hill (2001) is the use of
            minimum spanning trees to minimize the impact of the index number formula
            choice on the index outcome. The Paasche-Laspeyres spread (PLS) between
                                                               , |,  can  be  used  to  link
            time  periods    and  ,  calculated  as   ,  = |log   ,
            periods with minimum dissimilarity. The similarity chained index in Figure 3
                                                                48 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66