Page 59 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 59

IPS179 Wian B.
                  Figure 1: Major EFT Transaction Types, July 2017 – October 2018

            4.  Methodological Framework
                The  scope  of  the  South  African  EFT  salary  index  will  be  all  monthly
            interbank EFT transactions that are classified as salary payments, net of all
            deductions made by the employer prior to effecting the payment, which are
            paid on the 15th, 25th or at the end of each month. The remaining salary
            payments (approximately 25 per cent of all salary transfers per month in value
            terms),  including  those  classified  as  daily  and  weekly  wage  payments,  will
            therefore not be considered for this index.
                A  price  index,  which  will  form  the  foundation  of  the  methodological
            framework, can be described as “…a weighted average of the proportionate
            changes in the prices of a specified set of goods and services between two
            periods of time, say a reference period 0 and current period .” (SNA 2008).
            The focus will therefore be on fixed basket and chain-linked price indices. For
            purposes of calculating fixed weighted indices, the basket of EFT initiators in
            each period should be the same as in the base or reference period:
                                        ∈ 0 ∩ , 0 <  ≤ 15
            where  is the matched basket of salary EFT transaction initiators and the base
            period was chosen to be July 2017. Chain-linking allows for the inclusion and
            exclusion of new and old items respectively:
                                        ∈  ∩ +1, 0 <  ≤ 14
               The EFT database consists of multiple daily transactions per EFT initiator per
            day. To obtain a price measure per EFT initiator per month, average transfer
            values per EFT initiator per transaction firstly need to be calculated as
               =    . The variable    represents the average price (or transfer value) for
            transaction , effected by EFT initiator , while   and   are the corresponding
            total value per transaction and the number of transfers per transaction. To
            obtain a daily average transfer value per EFT initiator, the harmonic mean of
                                                  −1 −1
               can be calculated as    = ( ∑   (   )  ) . The variable      represents the
            average transaction value per EFT initiator per day based on  transactions.
                                                                46 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64