Page 115 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 115

STS463 Noraliza M.A. et al.
             Table 3.1: Population estimates and principal labour force statistics, Malaysia,
                                           selected years
             Year             Unit        1982      1992     2002      2012      2018
             Population        ('000)   14,651.1  19,067.5  24,542.5  29,510.0  32,382.3
             Citizens          ('000)   14,651.1  18,205.1  22,942.1  26,961.7  29,059.6
             Non-citizens      ('000)      n.a.    862.4    1,600.4   2,548.3   3,322.7
             Labour force      ('000)   5,431.4   7,319.0   9,886.2  13,221.7  15,280.3
             Employed          ('000)   5,249.0   7,047.8   9,542.6  12,820.5  14,776.0
             Unemployed        ('000)     401.9    515.0     516.7     589.3     437.5
             Employed less     ('000)     182.4    271.2     343.5     401.2     504.3
             than 30 hours
             Outside labour    ('000)   2,944.6   3,783.6   5,473.8   6,927.4   7,094.4
             Labour force       (%)        64.8      65.9     64.4      65.6      68.3
             Unemployment       (%)         3.4       3.7       3.5      3.0       3.3
            Note: n.a. Breakdown for citizenship is not available
            Source:  Current  Population  Estimates,  Malaysia,  2018-2019;  Labour  Force  Survey,
            Various Years, DOSM

                Table 3.2: Share of GDP by kind of economic activity at constant price,
                                    Malaysia, selected years (%)
              Year                       1992          2002         2012        2018p
              Price                (1987=100)    (2000=100)   (2010=100)    (2015=100)
              Kind of economic
                Agriculture               14.6           8.3          9.8               7.3
                Mining and                 8.6          10.2          9.5               7.6
                Manufacturing             25.1          29.0         23.2             22.4
                Construction               3.8           3.9          3.8               4.9
                Services                  38.8          42.2         52.5             56.7
              Less: Undistributed          5.0           4.5            -             -
              Plus: Import Duties          4.0           1.7          1.1               1.2
              GDP at Purchasers'        100.0          100.0       100.0            100.0
            Note: Starting 2005, FISIM has been distributed to all activities
            Source: National Accounts, Various Years, DOSM

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