Page 271 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 271

STS493 Irene S.

              Figure 2: Example of the meta data model as a semantic representation of objects

                Data lineage in turn makes it possible to trace which variables are used where
            and in what outputs. When quality issues occur, it is possible to identify the
            source of the error and which outputs are affected by it. A hot issue in a time
            where apparently everybody seems to have access to massive amounts of data
            are the fact vs fake discussions. Making it more and more necessary to file and
            save processing steps in permanent and invariable data sources. Block chain
            technology could be of great value for example in supporting third parties to
            verify  whether  the  data  really  originates  from an NSI and  the  quality of  the
            processing steps. A process that starts at data collection and stops with the

            2.7 Data scouting
                Although registers and registrations may be all around, it is not self-evident
            that CBS can have the data at its disposal. Firstly, it must be known that a data
            source is available and secondly it must be determined whether this data source
            is useful in making official statistics (whether or not combined with other data
            sources). It is at this point of interchange between hard skills on data handling
            and soft skills concerning relation management that CBS introduced the position
            of  Data  scout.  The  aim  of  our  Data  scouts  is  to  organize  and  facilitate  the
            acquisition and opening up of new (big) data sources in order to create new, or
            improve/enrich existing statistics. Thereby a Data scout is the linking pin between
            both internal and external stakeholders. Its portfolio comprises a wide range of
            tasks  varying  between  identifying  the  CBS  data  requirements  together  with
            content experts, mapping possibilities of relevant new data sources, evaluating
            and  testing  possible  new  data  sources  on  their  usability  for  the  intended
            purposes, working together with legal, technical and domain experts to discuss
            the  (im)  possibilities,  building  new  relationships  with  relevant  partner
            organizations, negotiating terms and conditions for data use, defining (joint)
            business models and making agreements with data owners. Challenges that our
            Data  scouts  encounter  include  the  following  areas:  the  need  to  anticipate
            continuously  on  future  possibilities  (knowing  possible  applications  before
            knowing the data completely), long project lead-times, setting up joint business
            models  with  private  corporations,  dependence  on  external  parties,  issues
            concerning data sharing (Safety, access, storage, etc.) and various legal issues
            (privacy, GDPR, collaboration with private partners etc.).

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