Page 266 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 266

STS493 Irene S.
                  authentic  data  to  fulfil  its  primary  tasks  and  is  supposed  to  share  this
                  information with the other registers in the network. To enable this sharing and
                  re-use of information the network holds unique linking keys by which mutual
                  relations between the datasets can be established. Those keys and relations
                  provide interesting opportunities for CBS. Although CBS also has access to the
                  single sources (by law), it is the mutual relations and for example the linking to
                  the Statistical Business Register, that determines the real value of this system for
                  statistical production.

                       Figure 1: Basic registers and relations between them in the system of basic

                     The Trade Register (TR, owned by the Dutch Chamber Of Commerce, CoC,
                  part of the Department of Ministry of Economic Affairs, in Fig. 1 represented by
                  the  icon  “enterprises)  for  example  has  relations  with  the  municipal  basic
                  administration (inhabitants per municipality) via the social security number of
                  natural persons. A link with the basic administration of “Addresses of Buildings”
                  gives  access  to  unique  addresses  and  linking  to  “Salaries  Labour  relations
                  Benefits”  enriches  data  sets  with  information  on  Wages,  Labour-  and  social
                  security/welfare  rates.  Another  unique  identification  number  links  the  Trade
                  Register  data  also  to  the  registers  of  the  tax  authorities.  In  addition  to
                  government registers, in the last few years CBS has also started using business
                  records, for example, scanner data from supermarket checkouts to calculate the
                  Consumer Price Index and information concerning energy consumption from
                  energy  companies.  Nowadays  it  is  impossible  to  imagine  the  production  of
                  official statistics without the use of administrative data: for 17 statistical themes,
                  we contact over 75 holders of registrations to obtain over 200 data sources to
                  be used in official statistics production.

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